Need advice on my sprouts - BCNL Hydro grow


Active Member

I have about a dozen healthy Northern Lights sprouts that are about 3 days old and one inch high. I currently have them in my BCNL Producer inside a clone dome near the 125 watt CFL.

Question: Should I take off the clone dome top and begin ventilating the box with the fans to introduce some airflow and movement to the sprouts, or should I keep the sprouts covered to keep the humidity and temperature a bit higher. Which is more important?

If you have any desire to follow my grow, I'd love to hear your thoughts and advice. This is my first grow, and this system was a big investment.

This is my grow journal link


Well-Known Member
as soon as theyr rooted they want air, water them through a mist bottle for the first week or so until the roots get comfortable


Active Member
I hear you man, but "too much" is relative. If I didn't purchase this all in one, turn key box, I would not have been able to grow at all. I do not have the skill to build my own box. Even if I did have the skill, I don't have the knowledge. I would rather pay for a box where the technology, science and labor have all been sorted out.

Before purchasing this, I did lots of research and talked to several people and read many journals where the owners back up the idea that you can recoup your cost in one grow (two months). Given what this can produce, $4500 is a super small investment! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Fair enuff...if you have that type of qwan to dole out...then power to ya...i don't disagree with you one bit...if i had the $$, i'd be posting right up there with ya.


Active Member
lol well I don't have much left over after purchasing this, so it better produce!


Well-Known Member
your thread def made me do some bc northern lights research...only they really dont give prices...


Active Member
Yeah, their prices could scare some people off from even researching it, which is probably why they don't. Email them and they'll send you a pricelist.


Active Member
You'll be completely satisfied with the system you purchased. BCNL equip. is expensive however when it comes to purchasing turn-key systems, you get what you pay for. I currently run 2 Bloomboxes and a Producer, these machines are commercial grade and the assistance provided by the folks at BCNL is unparalleled. They're extremely knowledgable, friendly and always more than willing to help with ANYTHING you may have questions with. Establish a good repoire with your BCNL rep., they are the equivalent to 911.
To maximize your machines production capabilities I advise doing a bit of research on "topping" plants as well as bending techniques. When correctly implemented these techniques will contribute to a much MUCH larger yield. Follow the feeding chart to a T, however an extra week or 2 of veg. won't hurt. USE CO2. Other than that, good luck and be absolutely sure you read the manuals provided as they are extremely informative. Don't be like many of the numnuts that make the investment in these machines, use them wrong and them complain that they aren't worth it.


Active Member
You'll be completely satisfied with the system you purchased. BCNL equip. is expensive however when it comes to purchasing turn-key systems, you get what you pay for. I currently run 2 Bloomboxes and a Producer, these machines are commercial grade and the assistance provided by the folks at BCNL is unparalleled. They're extremely knowledgable, friendly and always more than willing to help with ANYTHING you may have questions with. Establish a good repoire with your BCNL rep., they are the equivalent to 911.
To maximize your machines production capabilities I advise doing a bit of research on "topping" plants as well as bending techniques. When correctly implemented these techniques will contribute to a much MUCH larger yield. Follow the feeding chart to a T, however an extra week or 2 of veg. won't hurt. USE CO2. Other than that, good luck and be absolutely sure you read the manuals provided as they are extremely informative. Don't be like many of the numnuts that make the investment in these machines, use them wrong and them complain that they aren't worth it.
Thanks! If you have any interest, I'd love it if you could follow my first grow (grow journal link in my signature). I'm currently 3 days into flowering.

Jay Budz

I've got the Bloom Box myself and I really do love how tight the set up is. My only advice would be to research the strain you're growing so that you can get a good idea of it's flowering growth...this will help you know when to make the switch to flowering. If your plants get get too big during veg than they may overwhelm your space causing problems.....a few of my plants doubled in height after one week of flowering. Happy growing.