need advice flowering stage


Active Member
U know i got some good advice,from everybody on this site....Basically everybody told me to up the nuts,i was running @ 350 ppms,now i'm running @ 700 ppms,plants leaves turning green again.....but what i can't understand is,when i was running @ 350 ppms some leaves looked like the leaves in the pics,it only been two days,but will the leaves stop looking burned after a while,it's the big fan leaves,it's not all of them,just some of them....I know it sounds like a dumb ass question,but i just got to know,i've been on edge since i started growing...But thank God,for this spot,and for the experience/expert growers..Because a newbie like me would be ass out



Well-Known Member
No once the leaf has burn marks it will stay that way but you shouldn't have more burning. The leafs should look better though.


Active Member
OK good lookin..but tell me something,will the nut def,affect the flowers/buds or the potency,down the line?