Need advice about the placement of my grow tent (newbie here)


New Member
First of all, hello!

Thanks for building and keeping up this great community! For some time I have been lurking, but this past weeks I have made the decision to start growing it myself, so I joined!

I do not know if this is the most adequate area to post this, so if any mod wants to move it, feel free.

Grow 1 ou 2 plants of around 1 m height max in a grow tent 60x60x160, with 1 extractor, 1 instructor, 1 60W LED and a carbon filter.

1) I live in a country were growing is not a clear legal act and would really want to avoid any alarms (smell, light, noise, etc).
I also live in a small apartment and my girlfriend does not want to do it inside or in any close. We have, however, a huge balcony with a H3M, L2M and W1M shed.
The plan was to place a grow tent in the shed and use LEDs for the growing. I think this covers all the issues of 1). What do you think?

2) I am afraid of humidity for the growing and for the grow tent itself.The humidity is around 70% from May to Sep and 80-90% from Oct till Mar.

So I was wondering if anyone has done this and what are the consequences? Does it rust too fast because of humidity? Is the yield severely affected by a grow tent outside? Is this something maybe best only done during the summer? Or is this not a good idea at all?

Sorry for the bomb, but really want this to work out. Thank you in advance for any help!
60w led is low for that tent, you want a Mars Hydro 150w ts1000 or similar, the high humidity may be a problem, but if it’s cold outside and the temperature in the tent is warm then it will lower the humidity. Sativa dominant hybrid is good for a humid tent.
Agree with anex above. Since lighting is probably the most important factor in growing, remember as a rule of thumb: At least 35w per square foot. Your tent is 2ftx2ft=4sq.f. 4x35=140watts. Good luck bro and happy growing!
ok! Thanks, that actually help a lot. Indeed if I can still control the humidity in the tent is should be fine no? Should I worry about it in terms of prevention?