Need a good 90 to 100 % Sativa strain for indoors / done in 8 weeks

OG Superfly

I am looking for a good 90 to 100 percent Sativa strain to do indoors that finishes fast, hopefully 8 weeks...
I know I am asking for alot but I know its out there right so please help me out here and include how to get it as well or where to get it.
Thanks Fly


Well-Known Member
C99 from female seeds, Cindy 99 from blimburn.

Structure, smell, buzz of a sativa, flowering time of an indica.

Buzz bomb from bomb seeds.

Look at seedsman or hazeman for faster sativas.

OG Superfly

Thanks Man, did that one along time ago and should have never left it because here I am coming back to it once again, kind of like everything else i have done in this game........ should have stayed with what I did in the beginning because it was right and I would have been way ahead if I did not have this ADD bullshit that makes me want to try every method and product even when my shit is just fine...........................
Peace fly