Need A Diagnosis


New Member

Recently my little girl has been infected with gnats. I was in pitched hand-to-hand combat with these gnats for days until they were gone. Then after a week they returned in large numbers. After days of battle I decided to bring out the big guns. My grows are always entirely organic, but this time I couldn't risk my buds not developing fast enough due to the gnats so I used a bug fogger and now my gnats are 100% gone... but two days after my leaves are showing terrible signs that something is wrong.

These affected leaves are ONLY on the top of the plant.

I just want my girl to be strong and healthy, if you have any suggestions on how to help her out please leave them.



Well-Known Member
Gnats are harmless, they live in the rootzone sucking the exposed rootlets for juice,
most plants can tolerate the itching, the next time you wanna kill bugs use Neem Oil,
its organic, to my blog:
also now proven to be systemic, means that you include a drop to your water,
it kills juice suckers and leafeaters and offers great mold protection like no other

you pic is serious and immediate nute burn ..again to my blog on the flush

live well!


New Member
Sorry I didnt update back here faster. She is doing absolutely amazing. The damage in the picture only happened right then to the few affected ones. It did not spread and was caused purely by the chemical making direct contact with the leaves. Besides that the gnats are dead and my leaf density has SIGNIFICANTLY increased.

The leaves were more dense before the infestation as well. I have to say that the gnats definitely were harmful.

I will have to read up on neem oil. Thank you for the suggestion.

here is a picture from today attached, compare to the picture above when I started this thread. 9 days.

