Need a bit help for choosing the soil type .


Hi folks, i am planning to make a soil grow , and i have just 3 options from my shop (i can't shop from other shop- stealth reasons) , I'm inexperienced and not sure what to choose . Take into account that I have already bought biobizz nutrients BIO GROW AND BIO BLOOM and i don't want to change it because i can't afford buying new nutrients and i am satysfied with biobizz . but I'm afraid I will make mistake if I use biobizz nutrients and soil will be biocanna. What should i do?

1 . BIOBIZZ LIGHT MIX (without nutrients)
2. BIOBIZZ ALL MIX (with nutrients already)
3. BIOCANNA BIO TERA PLUS (with nutrients already)



Well-Known Member
If you are useing bio bizz go with the light mix,because then you are starting with a low nute content.the terra one is also good


Well-Known Member
If your heart is set on Bio Bizz I'd go with the All Mix and the Light Mix. Blend them together(1/3 light mix, 2/3 all mix) to get a good beginning medium, not to hot and not to skimpy on nutes. If you're using bottled nutes you'd probably have to start feeding around week 3 or so, depending on circumstance.If you're going all organic you might want to check out subcool's super soil method, you can tweek it to your any desire, only using water and sugar its predestined to make some dank. That being said you might want to check out Roots Organic soil, or Fox Farm theyre perfect for mixing with bio bizz light as it is stronger than All mix.


Active Member
Hi I tried to buy all mix and light mix and was told all mix is discontinued. what would be a good substitute? still have the light mix. thanks

EDIT: Nevermind. They didn't have light mix in either. I was refunded everything. Now to choose new soil


Well-Known Member
Go to WalMart and get MiracleGro Potting Mix. MG makes a few different types so be sure to get the PM only.
