Near the Equator


Active Member
I'm starting a grow near the equator. Its very humid and hot in the sun. Can I start an outdoor grow in this conditions? I only have Afgan seeds. Its already April and the rainy season will start soon so the plant will get ample of water. I dont have many seeds and am afraid they will die in the direct sun that is usually over 100 degrees. Any help would be appreciated. Also, there is only about 12 hours and 20 minutes of sunlight and goes up to 12 hours and 45 minutes in July. Dont know if this would affect the grow.


Well-Known Member
With 12 hours outside daylight all the time sounds like you'd be ideal to start a grow by vegging inside, then sticking em outside to flower, yea?


Active Member
Its been 1 and a half month since I started flowering but only a few hair started to appear and now it looks like some hairs are shriveling up. Then the lower leaves are wilting! I need serious help. Dont want my girl to die.


Well-Known Member
There is a product from advanced nutrients called Rhino Skin that I really like. It really helps protect the plant from heat stress and other things. If you can't find any where you live, I've got an unopened bottle of it. I can always get more for relatively nothing (I've got a really good hookup when it comes to nutes). I'd be willing to ship you some for half the retail price, if you want. Other than that, I'd advise indoor growing if the plants can't take the conditions. If you are interested in the Rhino Skin you can hit me up at [email protected]


You should have put those plants directly under the sun, it is a wild weed nonetheless and it has gene to resits sun burn but not enclosed spaces and alck of fresh moving air. I am sure ti will work out fine.