Near harvest plant dying


Active Member
Easy everyone. Firstly pls try decipher my grammar and lack of punctuation..... thankyou.
I have a few plants near to harvest , I’m not there every day but the butler is. I hadnt seen plants for 2 days with no probs when I get there to water I’ve got 3 that are as good as dead heavy pots ( fabric ) not took up any water but ones around have took up all water look fine. These 3 look like they just dieing leaves all curled but still got some colour hanging down to the floor jus dying tops of buds look like they bin scorched but defo not. They are close to inlet fan but so are others. The one thing I’m putting it down to is a pool of run off that was brown from the nutes one plant was closer and unaffected. It looks like at a glance a mold prob , can mold do that , that quick ? If the stagnant runoff was to blame would I have the symptoms described? I’m relatively new to this or I’ve been lucky and never ran into this before. I’ll post some pics tomo if anyone can help. Thanks a lot. Babblez
Thanks pal. Didn’t even no they existed. I wasn’t there for couple of days Fred was and he has less experience than I do. It was kind of a red flag but looked similar to some mold pics. But niceone something else in the grow bank of knowledge Oh and a little bit more money to spend lovely who doesn’t like spending money on there hobby’s