Nawsome Incredibored, Substance Relief?


Well-Known Member
What substances do YOU guys use, to relieve boredom?

I dont often feel the need to fight off boredom with intoxication, but it does happen.


Normally short acting drugs are best for fighting boredom, i mean unless your normally bored for 12-24 hours.
lol you know who you are!!


Salvia... though not incredibly recreational has always been anything but boring!

Weed when in large quantity can be smoked as a hobby...

Opiates and benzo's used to be my weapons to fight off boredom but ended up with addictions, cause im bored alot. ;)
I do have that under total control, now, but i wont be using them purely for something to do.

Man look at that opium.... the best kind of ooze.



: nahh-sum, Not Awsome.

: In-kreh-dih-borh-de, Incredibly Bored.

: Sub-stan-se, An intoxicating, stimulating, or narcotic chemical or drug, esp. an illegal one.

: Re-leef, A feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress.


Well-Known Member
is that pink pill in the first pic in the bottom right corner a fuckin benadryl? hahaha in this scenario of choosing, do i or do i not have a cold?


Well-Known Member
Looks just like one, maybe pepto bismol, ignore the pictures, they are just for visual representation.


Well-Known Member
There is almost always something to do, but when there is nothing, and tv is no good, no company around... and when the hs section is dead as nails.... there must be something.. ;)

Hot chick in pic!!!!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Female nudity is mandatory in my house !
I also like to keep busy ... lots of shit to finish and not enough time ...
Different circumstances in life ATM .... Me thinks ...


Then there is all the Research ...



Well-Known Member
Yeah, i have a few projects.... but no projected time limit..
Procrastination runs through me like a virus...

technically I should never be bored.. no where near done writing even one of my screen plays, to many new projects starting before even getting halfway through..
and trying to decide back up life route.. picking a trade..

yet still boredom finds me... possibly because of the lack of motivation...

why i need some speedy drugs to add to my collection.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
My friend gave me one of those shag rolling-stools, under that computer desk, just a couple of days ago!! :D

I only use pot and nicotine regularly. I use coffee for work and any number of mind numbing agents for sleep.



Well-Known Member
My friend gave me one of those shag rolling-stools, under that computer desk, just a couple of days ago!! :D

I only use pot and nicotine regularly. I use coffee for work and any number of mind numbing agents for sleep.

I only use mj everyday (and brick weed is an all day kinda thing), no other substances, not even caffeine or nicotine... but boredom doesn't strike me everyday... ;)

of course just two years ago, i couldn't go with out 4 or 5 diff substances a day. and mostly hard, illegal ones.


Well-Known Member
I am actually pretty damn bored. Puffers movie entertained me a whole bunch just now. I quit smoking and I half quit coffe too lol

At the moment I`m doing "tratak" by staring at a candle tut tut tut....

I have "possibly invest in some weed and a pipe" in my TO DO list tomorrow :D

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Well boredom to me would be lack of imagination. Those two drugs are incredibly important, I only use those e-cigarettes now though; unless other pertinent details arise. And I only work a couple days a week so a large double-double from Robin's is all I need with probably no noticeable tolerance building.

For you definition of boredom, I won't use anything that hasn't been tested and nothing that is known to be unsafe. This includes most NSAIDs, most steroids, some phens, some trypts, ect ect.


Well-Known Member
I'd take Hgh, lol

Boredom for me isn't really lack of imagination, as much as its more like the inability to imagine feasible activities, lol and an even bigger problem staying focused or intrigued for very long. I also do not work, have no real responsibilities... boredom comes easy..



Well-Known Member
Last night a friend who was incredibored, tried some of that legal coke sold as disco, you can find it nearly every where... surprisingly he liked it.
He also bought some stuff called 8 ballz.. has yet to try it.


Well-Known Member
A Friend of mine ordered a free sample of methylone, got some thing that looked like flour not crystal like at all.. dosed 100mgs, said felt like rolling...