natural growing


Active Member
ok... so what if i dont make a grow room. no special lights, no extra C02.. just soil and plants... plants are kinda stretching... but there is a nice breeze. and as much sunlight as the sun provides in a day. its like growing outdoors but only indoors

how do u think my plants will do? can i still get a big yield? with enuff plants?.. if i use some good soil will that be better?


Active Member
i guess i shoulda explaned more... the the main source of light... i have a house... 3 floors, not in use, no curtains (imagine your house has no curtains, how much light would come in during the day, thats how much i get.). the 3rd floor is my grow room. there is no electricty on rite now. but i do get alot of sunlight, i 1st planted them at my house untill they sprouted (like last week) and i moved them to my other house 2days ago and sat them in the window seal... i know in a few days/weeks i'll transport them into BIG pots. i just dont want to SPEND all that time and money on lights and stuff.

has anyone ever grown pot with out any hi-tech stuff.... just seeds, water, sunlight and air? if so, how did you do?


Well-Known Member
if the whole plant gets light like all the leaves, you should be ok but as it grows you gotta make sure its getting adequate light! Like if it has a few leaves or so make sure they all get light, and make sure its for a a good few hours 9s prolly minimum and 12 is the best for when theyre just starting off.