I believe the US military uses gravity-induced time warps.

In fact, all GPS systems account for this phenomenon otherwise your car would be off by a at least a block.
I believe the US military uses gravity-induced time warps.

In fact, all GPS systems account for this phenomenon otherwise your car would be off by a at least a block.

That's what im saying!

Whenever I turn on my GPS I can FEEL the moon being pulled closer to me, it actually makes my chedder melt.

Freaky shit, good thread!
Wait, so what happened with the whole blowing up the moon thing?

The moon has a mass of 2,447,550,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds and you think that a two ton metal projectile is gonna interrupt the Earth's control over it?? The Earth???? Which has a mass of 13,230,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds???

You don't even know that it's not a explosive bomb do you.
You need to learn man.


did this happen? 'cause i was lookin outside the other day and I couldn't see the moon? it would kinda suck though 'cause when im stealin' tv's outta peoples houses and smokin' crack in the alley the moonlight helps me see the police before they come and lock me up with my dad.. life from the perspective of a nigger..

on a serious note, your government spent your tax money (70+ million) just to find out if there is water on the moon? They only found 24 gallons of water? well holy fuck batman for $3,000,000 a gallon they better be gettin' something good outta it, maybe it will tell them where osama is.. or what the Russians are up too.. and I thought gas was expensive @ $4 a gallon..


Jesus fucking christ.

There's WAY more than 24 gallons on the moon. It was a deep impact mission to the moon. The impact creates a plume of debris that reaches out into space, of which a sample is taken to study the composition of the southern pole's surface. There was a total of 24 gallons in the debris that was studied.


Thanks for the rep Wikid.

The tentative estimation for the lunar ice deposits is 6,000,000,000,000 kilos.

Which NASA proposes to be used by the future Lunar Outpost as a high performance space shuttle fuel.

Or instead you could just Google it to find out...