Narrow Closet 1000 watt help!


Active Member
Hi guys, been a long time reader but 1st time member and post.
I'm a fellow female mmj grower that is in need of help on the construction of my grow box. I've done some homework on overgrow's faq and forums and have successfully grown with CFLs in the past.

But this time..
I started with a closet that is 2'x8'x9'h and built a frame and box inside the closet. So now the workable area inside the box is 1.8'x7'x8'h. I was planning on running 2x400w with air cooled reflectors that's connected to a 400cfm Vortex/Can, which connects to a carbon filter that would suck the air out of the box and through the lights then out through attic window. At the same time there would be a separate 6" duct that lead from other attic window to the box for a passive intake.
During the construction, I was lucky enough to get my hands on 2 1000 watt hps lights with hortilux bulbs and 4" air cooled reflectors and glass. :twisted:

So now.... I wish somehow I could run those pretty 1000w lights in that closet, so I could save the money on lights for other things like maybe 8" Vortex/Can? I know I could probably get away with one 1kw hps, seen it done on youtube and another forum, but I would like to ask you smart guys out there for any ideas to make this work.. if possible.

Thank you guys in advance.



Well-Known Member
honestly the only thing i could suggest for those big hot lights is cooltubes, unless the reflectors you have are really efficient you're gonna need em, with an intake and exhaust you could run both lights for some high density bud growth. some pictures or a crude drawing of your space would be helpfull.
good luck and happy growing.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply!
I was looking around for the cooltube you mentioned, and came across this one.

If I ran both of the 1kw hps on that thing with a 8" blower,
do you think I could keep the temp to around 80F?
I'll take some pics when I wake up tomorrow, thanks again!


Well-Known Member
That's a lot of light, and a lot of heat, you could cover a 4' x 8' area with those two lights.

I recommend putting the lights where your bed (mattress) is and sleeping in the closet :clap:


Active Member
hey, dont wanna spoil ya fun but i think ull find ure self buying smaller lights
2x 250w would be good
i could link you to a calculater that works out watts per sq foot etc and 2x 1000w would bleach them imho,and the heat would be bad u need to take into acount the ambient temps of room , where ure taking ure air from and where u exhuast to (needs to be seperate places for good results.
growing in a drobe is hard with big lights i struggled with a 600w and ruck 100L fan in summer that was in a 1m sq box in outbuilding
all the best n good luck


Well-Known Member
yea too much light is a waste of energy and money i think i would put those lights on ebay and get yourself 2 400 waters they cover a 4x4 area nicely and your 7 feet long so yea i think thats the way i would go:peace:


New Member
with 2 might start a fire, be very carefull energy can be dangerous
yeh what he said be carefull, also big F**k off lights dont always meen big f**k off bud, i have friends who run 1000 watt light i run 400watt and get better results than them, like much better, give a little love and it goes a long way, just like most woman they need a little love and attention, happy growing and keep it simple. nuff said.