name creation??


so all these little seeds i got from my cousins last op he made between two diff plants, i have no idea what they were called. i also had a few seeds collected from the years, in my garden now it looks like i have 2 different plants,
do i just get free reign on a killer name?? haha
i guess i cant really name it till i smoke


All names must be approved by Rollitup mods. :) ...and you have to send us a sample.
AHAHA i dont know about sending a sample. maybe when harvest is done, we can have a so cal smoke sesh and decide whats a good name for the little beasts


Sector 5 Moderator
I hope to be getting back down there soon and get my stuff out of storage. Any work for trimmers that you know of down there? PM me if you do; I'm looking for work (cash jobs).


Well-Known Member
you can call it whatever you want it still wont mean anything though. whats more important is the lineage of thee strain rather than an arbitrary name you assign it.