Trippy Mayne
New Member
After seeing this guy appear today and basically troll around ( I found pretty damn funny ) he then made a thread called Welcome back Mystic150 which I looked up his name and found some of the most hilarous posts I have ever seen, check it out.
- i'm seriously telling you that you couldnt beat me up. I fight very quick my man. Hit one dude 3 times before he threw a punch. But I dont get into that i just be cool with it nowadays
- haha you guys play world of wackcracft? cant really fuck with that game if you guys wanna get the girls
- I'd bang in the streets if i wasnt postin on these boards. runnin up in peoples houses is what I use to do. seriously I could beat your ass in a fight so i dont trip when you bubble heads try to fuck with me. this is gettin stupid so ima go outside and get me these girls.
- i got mad +rep in my hood for showin my face to the police
- im tryin to take steps to be less hood but its so damn hard.for instance, on saturday my plans for the day include selling 3 ak-47s to buy more grow doesnt get any more gangster than that.
- THis is like the gayest thread ever. Not bashing anyones orientation but how could you not like woman? There so soft and warm. Almost like rabbits but less furry. I don't think I could ever let a guy put anything in my buttox. It's just not right. Then again I haven't even had sex with a chick yet so what do I know? Good luck
- 18, which was just last year and I'm glad i did cause weed is that crack.
- This is exactly why I'm not telling my parents I grow. Honestly I love them but it's not their business. Just a few more harvests and I'll have bud for life. They'll never know either. Unless of course someone on this site snitches. What are the chances of that happenig though? 1 in a billion
- Good shit bro, I would have kicked his ass though. Putting bills in front of my face and shit. People need to learn respect these days. Better check yourself before you wreck your self. Good luck bro
- The confession room with a 50 year old methed up priest.
- But I ain't a hater and pretty soon I'll be pushing heroin in a neighborhood near you! G luck. 5 poppin 6 droppin, east side the best side 1 up to the big homie fdd and rip tank
- Nah I'm dead serious slikk. I'm turning blood soon and I'm gonna be pushin heroin on some real shit. I tried stealing weed that ain't work, I tried selling e pills and that ain't work. Now I got a new scheme to get this green. Yall gona see me on tv with jay z.
- Circus??? wtf no just no. You must not know how much of a hustler i am dude. Ill sell water to a whale and ill sell fire in hell. I'll sell snow in the fucking winter time man. You dont know how much of a hustler I am.
- he way I aproach someone would be like this. First I put a hard ass face on and put my hands in my pockets, if they are crip I'll be like what's poppin 6? 2 things will happen, 1 is they may be quiet or 2 they may say wuts crackin 5. As SOON as they say this I punch the shit out of them and my homies will come in and jump in and yell swoooooooop. Easy to approach someone.
- n ny its 3 grams of dank stuff for 10 dollars. Thank god I don't have to buy weed again.
- Ima turn you into the RIU narc sqaud if you come at me again lil man. I been here longerthan you and have more harvests under my gucci belt. You don't know shit about growing and you probably use incandescents to. And yea this thread won't be closed cause I ain't a snitch and I don't drink vitamin water bt I know 1 mod is a racist. My birds tell me this info. I got eyes on every1.
5 poppin 6 droppin
- Who gives a flying fuck if I'm a virgin. If it doesn't bother me why does it bother you??? I don't mind if you qoute me. I'm a chill dude
- Fuck that man you get no rep from me. No snitch is gonna stop my grow op. I'll be standin on the front porch with my 6 fully grown female plants waiting for the pigs to come. Real people ain't afraid to do some time. I'm a G
- You gonna murk me? I wanna see you try that shit. You must not know I'm blood. Reason I said I'd wait for the police is that if I go to jail I get a star from my og. 5 stars and I'm an og that means I can make my own set. Ain't a blue thing or a red thing it's a green thing? Ya na mean son? 1
- Yo get that power man. Don't worry about what they say. In this world you either get 1 over on people or you are the one who is gotten. To all the people who don't like borrowing, put a dick in your ear and fuck it(however the saying goes)
- Louis you should know by now no to go against me. You will lose everytime and I dont want to embarrass you tonight.
- FuckFFuckin I just walked around my whole room for an hour with my iPhone playing music loud as shit with like mAssive amounts of sound and I was just fuckin spitting some hard shit yo fuck me right? Haha I luv weed
Shit I think we SHOULD have tr best grow on riu. I would stomp the competition.
Mysticlown150 best grower alive
- Who resurrected this topic lol. The deal did not go as planed and my friend got pistol whipped and I left him up there in the guys apartment also I haven't seen or spoken to him in a month and a half. I'm guessing he is not dead since cops did not come to my home. I'm a changed man and what i did was dumb. I may even become a priest cause I value my life way more than back then since I could of died. anyway take care