mystery sprout


Active Member
ok so i threw some bag seeds out in my back yard about a month ago and only about 8 out of the 30 germinated. i picked a couple and brought em inside and they got decently big but i ended up poisoning them with too much food. i went outside the other day to were i threw em out and theres a bunch of seedlings that look like bud but im not sure if they are bud or maple trees, since all those spinner things fell the other week. my main question is that if seeds can take a month to germinate. i can get pictures if you need em


Well-Known Member
maybe if conditions weren't good. I usually germ my seeds within a couple days. Just me tho


Active Member
conditions were horrible, i didn't plan on growing em i just threw em out into some dirt were i had a garden before


Active Member
its a maple tree, i let it grow a bit, looked exactly like cannabis, sorry for wasting your time guys. got my hopes up for tree.. literally. if you still want the picks you can see how it looks alot like a sprout just a little bit taller