Mystery problem! Need some help

Hey guys
Here's the deal I harvested my first I thought successful plant today but I found some spots on it that worried me and now I think it could be bud rot, but it's nothing like the photos online I found. I attached some photos with the spots on them. For the most part 3/4 of the buds are fine but there are those few that had brown spots. I also waited longer than I should have to harvest so it may just have started to decay maybe. Anyways I need some Help on what to do. I threw away the bad buds, but I still find traces of it occasionally. Do I really have to throw the whole plant away like I read somewhere if it turns out to be bud rot? Or can i still keep the good quality buds cause there are some nice ones. If I can't smoke them can I make canni butter or anything like that? Thanks in advance for your help and advice, I really appreciate it. We all have to start somewhere.



Well-Known Member
Did you grow outdoors? If so that is probably budworm damage. Parts of buds will be brown and if you tug on it it will fall right off. That's what it kinda looks like to me but I'm no expert. Maybe someone else could give more insight.