mystery problem devastated plants overnight


My friend is experiencing a problem I've never seen before. 4 clones of 2x gorilla glue and 2x sunset sherbert overnight went from generally healthy to severe dieback and miscoloration/dying off of portions of or entire leaves.

A little background, they've been out of the clone machine for 4 weeks though most was in solo cups under a t5 keeping them compact as these plants will eventually be moved outside for the season. Started off perfect but they were starting to show slight nutrient deficiency-they were receiving liquid nutes from general organics but admittedly they were a year old though stored properly, and I also using distilled water and wasn't pHing. From experience these nutrients lower my water pH a lot when mixed but I've also been able to avoid pHing when using this line of nutrients with well water in coco medium without issues.

In any case, they were still doing pretty good when about a week ago he transplanted them into 1 gallon pots with potting soil and placed under a 600W LED vivarspectra at about 36" using the veg mode on 18/6 which is the same photoperiod as before. It sounds like they weren't being allowed to dry out between waterings and may be overwatered. They were in a 4x4 tent with temp and humidity control but no air exchange. They were receiving tap water from a well and old nutrients that sounds like weren't stored properly.

They were fine for a few days then I'm told overnight all started experiencing this issue I would describe as a discolorationof the leaves starting from the tips and edges on seemingly random leaves-not necessarily the older or newer growth. On a smaller plant the whole top died off from this, but after the one incident I saw them 2 days later and they seemed to be trying to push out new growth around the issue. Now 4 days later I'm told it is spreading. My only guess is bad bacteria/fungus from the old notes or overwatering? Has anyone seen this before? I'l try to post more pics.IMG_2531.jpeg

Plants that small I'd just start over. If he gets them to pull through they'll be stressed, stunted, etc...
Man, Roundup doesn't work that fast. The nutes killed them somehow. I don't know if it would be the age or a math error.