Mysterious Spiral Over Norway


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty cool, no idea what it is. Maybe its a new type of missile or something that went haywire?


Well-Known Member
i looked at both videos. it looks astronomical. the thing i question is if you look from the center of the spiral you can follow a light to a ground fixed position. reminds me of the batsignal over gotham. good for media coverage but its a hoax. look in the bottom right corner where it looks as if theres a light coming from the building or hill in your lower corner


Well-Known Member
yeah if its not a hoax its deffinately from space. its hard to beleive that the universe is infinity and we are the only ones? its hard to beleive. whether god or evolution put us here what about the millions of planets out there. i still think its a hoax though


Active Member
It was an aborted missile. You can see it spinning. The light in the lower right is coming from a spot light or a helicopter. I don't think the light on the ground is making the spiral.
It's a communist plot I tell ya.


Active Member
the first news reports told of the russians having no knowlege of it no a missile notice the beam emitting from it like a Bat signal from batman! get yourselves somes generrators be prepaired your power is going to go out this winter!:wall:


Well-Known Member
i also don't buy the missile story.
the Russians were way to quick to say it was
a botched missile test. It looks pretty trippy and completely unnatural.
my guess is the russians have some sort of HAARP project going and that
was testing of some kind.


New Member
Nevermind that it's happened before in the same place many times and the fact that Russia put out a maritime warning that they were shooting a missile off in that sector?

It's an errant missile.

Of course it's entirely possible to be part of the 9/11 conspiracy ... isn't everything?


Well-Known Member
Nevermind that it's happened before in the same place many times and the fact that Russia put out a maritime warning that they were shooting a missile off in that sector?

It's an errant missile.

Of course it's entirely possible to be part of the 9/11 conspiracy ... isn't everything?
Show me video of another errant missile that looks ANYTHING like what I posted.


New Member
Hooboy ... and so it begins.

It takes a certain mind set. And tin foil, lots of it.

It was the 12th Imam! ... clearly.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it was a missile... but that sure as hell isn't natural. Wish I was baked and could have seen that :)


Well-Known Member
That pic was during the day and a lot closer view
They look similar, makes more sense to me than anything else