Mysterious Glowing Metal Halide


Well-Known Member
Ok, now I think I have seen it all. I just got a new Hortilux Blue Metal Halide and like usual, my plants love it. BUT, and this is fucking weird, the bulb shuts down randomly after several hours but for up to 6 hours after will continue to glow! Now I don't mean the glow of hot glass glow, this thing is air cooled, but the glass envelope inside holds a charge that keeps emitting light for hours! Its not even coming from the clear part of the tube but the white ends and resembles glow in the dark paint but more blue. It even stays glowing after the ballast is unplugged and the bulb is removed! I had to touch copper wire to the end and complete the circuit to dispel the light. I guess this a post to fellow science nerds out there, I'm more biology then electrical engineering, but does anyone have a clue as to what is going on or how to fix it? Thanks, I'm stumped.

Oh I tried taking a pic but it's just too dim to get a shot on my old digital.

This couldn't be an issue with my ballast could it? I have a Galaxy digital 400w but it's only a couple of months old and there have never been any issues...

I gtg to bed, but I can respond in the morning...


Well-Known Member
sounds like a phosphor coating they put on fluorescent bulbs. When I go to bed at night I can still see my cfl bulbs overhead glowing long after lights out.


Well-Known Member
Yes I do smoke pot, about a gram a day. Yeh the phosphor coating gave me an idea... seems like the air cooling was blowing dust into the bulb causing a charge to buildup on the envelope. I reversed it and now all is well, what a fucking odd thing to happen.... seriously, odd shit always happens to me.


Well-Known Member
No that was a dumb idea, it's a production issue with the bulb. Fucking $90 down the tube, the hydro shop is gona get shit from me! But now for a joint :joint: