Mylar sheeting question

dR. HerbLove

Active Member
I am covering one of my grow cab's wall with mylar, but I couldn't get it flush. To prevent flapping I tried stapling the center of the sheet.

The result:

Can I leave that as is or is that going to fuck up my plants?

Thanks. Peace.


Active Member
it will be fine, but i'd tape over it, so prolonged vibrations from your airflow doesn't cause it to rip.

dR. HerbLove

Active Member
Thanks Xochi, but I was too worried about hotspots so I re-did it. I've never seen a hotspot before, but I don't want my plants to burn up. :wink:

What do you guys think?

Should be fine hot glue works really well for securing mylar
Excellent! I think that'll make it much easier next time. bongsmilieCheers!