Mycelium mulch indoor bed with knf feeds


New Member
This is purple rain. 9 pheno types .1 month veg. I make the feeds . Soluble calcium from egg shells and vinegar Lactic acid bacteria. Fermented fruit juice . Fermented fish juice . Harvested Indigenous microorganisms and mycorrhiza from the property. Compost manure soil mix with carbon from my fire pit . RO water and compost tea . Sea water with shellfish mix any questions let me know. this is an experiment for how cheap I could do a organic grow everything was free all the nutrients I made with knf methods. only payed for the light (2000w led). Just flipped to flower . I worked at a knf cultivatin for 6 years on the west so cheers y’all ( looks yellow because of light I promise you these lady’s are thriving and the fungal network is popping off :)


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This is purple rain. 9 pheno types .1 month veg. I make the feeds . Soluble calcium from egg shells and vinegar Lactic acid bacteria. Fermented fruit juice . Fermented fish juice . Harvested Indigenous microorganisms and mycorrhiza from the property. Compost manure soil mix with carbon from my fire pit . RO water and compost tea . Sea water with shellfish mix any questions let me know. this is an experiment for how cheap I could do a organic grow everything was free all the nutrients I made with knf methods. only payed for the light (2000w led). Just flipped to flower . I worked at a knf cultivatin for 6 years on the west so cheers y’all ( looks yellow because of light I promise you these lady’s are thriving and the fungal network is popping off :)
Looks cool but low leaf to flip ?
also where’s that micro herd n worms at ? I don’t see any Arthropod or anything ?
do you have airation in that soil ? If not will get thick and muddy fast
This is purple rain. 9 pheno types .1 month veg. I make the feeds . Soluble calcium from egg shells and vinegar Lactic acid bacteria. Fermented fruit juice . Fermented fish juice . Harvested Indigenous microorganisms and mycorrhiza from the property. Compost manure soil mix with carbon from my fire pit . RO water and compost tea . Sea water with shellfish mix any questions let me know. this is an experiment for how cheap I could do a organic grow everything was free all the nutrients I made with knf methods. only payed for the light (2000w led). Just flipped to flower . I worked at a knf cultivatin for 6 years on the west so cheers y’all ( looks yellow because of light I promise you these lady’s are thriving and the fungal network is popping off :)
This is exactly what I've been searching forums for. I'm attempting to do the same thing. I have grown plants successfully in dark sedge peat with nothing but water. It's not peat moss. It's what night crawlers live in for months when you buy them in a container. Full of nutrients or they would starve to death. I was confused at first when I heard it lacked any nutrients. Even sources I trust were saying the same thing. I looked up the brand of peat we use to pack worms. Dark sedge peat. Not sold to the public. Save your worm dirt. I have a ball mill that I plan to use to mill bones and shells to a fine air float powder. Just for fun and experiments. They are not going to like me when I grow 100% Mirical grow soil/ feed and compare it to my mix and plain promix straight from the bag. When the weather is nice again. I'll be watching. I hope we can learn some things we didn't expect.