My very first grow, White Widow


Well-Known Member
Alright so this is my very first attempt at growing. I have a buddy that grows his own plants and he’s been trying to get me to try it for years and I finally decided to give it a go. Hoping to get pointers here and there during the grow.

I’m growing indoors, in a small cabinet I built. growing in coco and using a 1000w led. Using floranova grow, Calmag +, used a root accelerator for the first week, and using RO water and I’m testing the PH level of my feed and making sure that it is stabilized at 5.8 I’m currently working on making a better bigger cabinet for the babies as well. Once they get bigger I won’t be able to fit both plants

The plants right now are 10 days old from the time they first popped out. I’ve basically been following a video guide on how to grow in coco from and I’ve been following his feeding chart. I first planted the seed in a 2” Rockwool cube, when it sprouted I transplanted the 2” cube and placed it inside of a 4” Rockwool cube, and then I put that inside of a 2 gal fabric pot with coco husk.

Once I get to the low stress training that’s when all my questions will start flowing.

I have a WW about 2.5 weeks old, in a coco mix, also in a fairly small setup (2x3 tent, 150w HPS +2x 2ft CFL fixtures with 1blue/1red horticultural bulb in each... plan on upgrading to a HGL quantum board likely around flower). Shes a wierdo mutant plant with a sideways top and 3 leaf sets on 1 node... so hopefully shes a fun one!

I'll be subbed in to watch your progress, and help if/when I can with advice! Good luck brother
Awesome thanks man. I’ll keep updating regularly as the plants grow. I wish I would have found this forum earlier. There’s a lot of good info / good people in here.
Looking good. Can't go wrong with WW. I think the only way you can kill them is to cut them. Even then I had one that started growing from the stem after I amended the pot. I I was smart I would have let it grow out but was cramped for space
Box looking good! Is that box made of particle board, or plywood though?

Kind of hard to tell, but if its particle board, I'd think about putting some kind of liner on the bottom, beyond your reflective material + metallic duct tape.

I'd honestly just get some white flex seal in a can, and roll it over the bottom, and maybe 4in up the sides.

The shiny white finish of flex seal will still reflect light well enough, and god forbid you have any sort of water penetration, you'll save yourself a lot of headache, because particle board molds up fast as hell.

ALSO, I'm assuming the 3 holes near the bottom of the walls, is intake to allow air to flow in? Do you have a means to keep light from getting into those holes?
It is made out of particleboard. I actually sealed the bottom half of the box past the holes with flex seal before I draped it but only on the inside.
The holes are to let air in, I put a filter on the other side just in case and they are going near a wall. After I finished boxing everything up I’ll test for light leakage and figure out how to fix it accordingly.

Thanks for looking out!
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One good housekeeping note is to get that power strip off the floor. Tents are/can be wet spaces. You don't want a gfi to trip and take out your fans or lights, or worse.

Not a big deal, just mount it to the side somewhere up higher.

Plants look good. Good luck.
I have a WW from seedsman, but I gave her too much N it looks like. She is doing great other than that. I'll be checking out yours as it grows, looking good so far!
Glad I stumbled on this. Starting my first grow as well with WW after several nudges by a friend. What 1000W light are you using? I made the mistake of not researching enough before buying and will definitely need the upgrade for when i get to flower.
Glad I stumbled on this. Starting my first grow as well with WW after several nudges by a friend. What 1000W light are you using? I made the mistake of not researching enough before buying and will definitely need the upgrade for when i get to flower.
Start a journal so we can follow along
GREAT looking setup. You could easily do 4 plants in there, I think.

You're going to want to upgrade that light sooner or later. I did the same thing a month ago when I got started. Luckily, I was still able to return the budget light I bought before the time was up, and then I upgraded.

Again, great looking setup. Looks like you thought of a lot of things when building it. Consider making a grow journal.
Start a journal so we can follow along

I went ahead and started the journal. I'll be updating it today to get up to date.
GREAT looking setup. You could easily do 4 plants in there, I think.

You're going to want to upgrade that light sooner or later. I did the same thing a month ago when I got started. Luckily, I was still able to return the budget light I bought before the time was up, and then I upgraded.

Again, great looking setup. Looks like you thought of a lot of things when building it. Consider making a grow journal.

I went ahead and started the journal. I'll be updating it today to get up to date.
Start a journal so we can follow along
