My Very 1st Grow

How am I doing for a 1st timer?

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I am on my 1st grow right now. 4 plants (mixed kushes i started from seed in the Aerogarden), in a Bubbleponics system, 1 600W MH in a digital conversion ballast (will switch from MH to HPS 600W for flowering). As i write this it is now Day 31 of flowering. Take a look at all my pics please. I await your reply and any help from others as well.

what could I have done to keep them shorter yet bushier. Did my thinning hurt the grow and is it really necessary? Should i have topped the plants? I change the solution once per week but top off with purified water daily. Should I be adding more nutes throughout the week as I top off, and if yes, how often and how much?

How much longer before the buds really start to bet big and round? I have several pretty good size ones I will post when I upload from camera.



Well-Known Member
I am not an expert with hydro so I wont address that, as for shorter plants, topping does make em shorter and bushy. The buds should really start getting fat real fast unless they are malnurished. They look healthy though for the most part so its coming. Tiny bit of burn on some but not real major they look ok.


Active Member
all looks good, i have the bubble ponics also, i recently changed to usig just a bubble bucket for my mother, and will take 3 clones and put them in the tub, 6 seed start plants is alot for those 6 pods, best of luck with everything, so far great job!
Thats good work for your first grow, i agree that topping is a great way to keep your plants shorter and fatter. I have also found that the closer i get the light to the plant (without burn) the less they try to reach for the light.