My UFO Story, I Saw My Girl Maybe 3 Weeks Back.Tell Me Your Story As Well As If Any.


Well-Known Member
ok so first I gotta say when i was a kid I always thought they existed.. BUT when entering college.. these professors just gave scientific fact on proving how the probability was so dam low.. that is seemed like impossible and i made the connect "oh fuck.. i DO notice the people who are telling me about Ufo's never really went to college.." so for a while I just SERIOUSLY knew they werent around and were just stories..

BUT I was driving back home from the store with my girl we were going down a street where I had to make a left to enter my street and I saw something in the sky.. quickly i thought plane or baloon but it never moved and it was a Cylinder shape and it was angled Diagonally like a Positive Statistic chart sooo " / " like that.. so i said "whoa babe check out that thing wtf is That?" So i stopped my car because there is NO fucking way ima pass up this opportunity. I stopped my car

The thing DIDNT move. I HAVE seen Baloons before and Ads that LOOKED like ufos but werent.. this thing was TOO high to be that. and it just STAYED there in the air.. than 3 minutes later a car came up behind me so i waited about 30 more seconds to make the driver behind me wonder why I stopped so HE could look than thats when I just took the left and said "hmm thats fucking odd, I hope that guy looks over at the thing"

I use to bring my camera with me all the time but that was a couple years back, I hella wish I brought it with me that day cuz its a pretty fucking good camera and if I had it I woulda been one of the VERY few who actually have a good pic of it.. I dont see how people have shitty old ass cameras recording 'ufo sightings' sounds hella sketch... BUT come to think of it I know a lot of my friends parents still hang on to their 1980 huge camcorders so its plausible.

What do you guys think? and tell me if im not the only one on this cuz this shit was fuckin just.. unexplainable..

Come to think of it I shoulda parked my car and Waited cuz its not there anymore MEANING! it had to move, or disapear or some shiit either way something happened and I missed it cuz i fuckin didnt use my brains (I ALWAYS smoked all day with my girl so i think i wanted to head home for some food or some shiii)
My wife, my little sister, and me were sitting on the beach on cumberland island. It is a national park so no lights and real dark. There were 3 dots way out there looked like they were playing chase. After about 10 minutes they left and we all walked back to the camp grounds not a word was said till the next day. Guess we all thought we were seeing things. lol

Well if ya saw it you saw it right? Of course the literal "unidentified object" is real but as for aliens, I don't know. No clue what it could be mate, doubt its aliens in my opinion, could have been anything really, maybe jesus sky surfing yknow.

Yeah my parents still have a 1980 giant camcorder, lol.
Well if ya saw it you saw it right? Of course the literal "unidentified object" is real but as for aliens, I don't know. No clue what it could be mate, doubt its aliens in my opinion, could have been anything really, maybe jesus sky surfing yknow.

Yeah my parents still have a 1980 giant camcorder, lol.

yeah true and i was TOTALLY going to mention that technically it couldnt been a UFO cuz it was not moving AT ALL.. lol i joked about it yesterday tellin my girl maybe the aliens died hahaha

but still no air craft is shaped that way.. and it stood fuckin still. crazy shit. oh and this was actually in Cali

Which sighting dont normally happen.. cuz when they do the people who report them are credible mother fuckers, i love how the majority of UFO sighting happen in 'bumfuck egypt' which is a figurative term for a place i had no clue even existed.
My wife, my little sister, and me were sitting on the beach on cumberland island. It is a national park so no lights and real dark. There were 3 dots way out there looked like they were playing chase. After about 10 minutes they left and we all walked back to the camp grounds not a word was said till the next day. Guess we all thought we were seeing things. lol


cumberland island.. hmmm I swear i shoulda posted something up that day! maybe someone would have had too.. now i cant even rememebr the exact date.