my thoughts on how to get more crystals

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Active Member
im trying to get a thought or theory of how to get more crystals on my bud. i had read a article in hightimes and it said 20 flouros would give you better bud than a 600 watt hps because of how close you could put the light to the plant. therefore giving it more lumens so the plant would crystalize. so i was thinking about 12 cfl 2700k and a 400 watt hps light would do the same thing. i would like to hear some other opinions on this


Well-Known Member
lots of people like cfls of flouros. imo the are only good for seeds,clones, or side lighting.
there are lots of ways to increase crystals.
1 of the trich(crystals) jobs is to act as a sunblock. dropping the humidity really low. i do 25% . make the plant think the sun is hot and in return produce more trichs.
co2 also increases trichs but for the plants to use the added c02 temps need to be at least 80 degrees..
also leds are supposed to produce more trichs. i am planning on adding a couple ufos for side lighting. when cash alows anyways.
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
im trying to get a thought or theory of how to get more crystals on my bud. i had read a article in hightimes and it said 20 flouros would give you better bud than a 600 watt hps because of how close you could put the light to the plant. therefore giving it more lumens so the plant would crystalize. so i was thinking about 12 cfl 2700k and a 400 watt hps light would do the same thing. i would like to hear some other opinions on this

everything you just said was wrong, floros are not gonna put off more lumens than a hps i don't care if its 1cm away it just isnt gonna happen, florescent's are good for 1 thing...vegitating.

these "crystals" you speak of, are actually natural resins that come from the genetics of the strain, certain strains get more or less frosted from the thc glands.

(I.E:White Widdow tends to frost over quite alot) while as some bagseeds probably wont be as resinous if it comes from genetics in which dont have that in its genetics.


Active Member
everything you just said was wrong, floros are not gonna put off more lumens than a hps i don't care if its 1cm away it just isnt gonna happen,
Well, yes thats true BUT.............

Quoted from Feb edition of SKUNK magazine.................."you have several lighting systems to choose from, including compact fluorescents and high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps. Among HPS lamps you have a choice between a single 100-watt lamp which uses a total of about 120-watts and emits about 8,800 lumens(73 lumens per watt) or a 150-watt lamp, which uses about 180 watts and emits almost double that-15,800 lumens (87 lumens per watt).

A 42-watt compact fluorescent (CFL) emits about 2700 lumens(64 lumens per watt). Four CFLs use 168 watts and emit 10,800 lumens. Other size CFLs have a similar efficiency.

However, that is only part of the story. Plants use mostly red and blue light. Yellow and green light is of little use to them, so light that is emitted in these spectrums is wasted energy. Most of the light emitted by HPS lamps is in the yellow spectrum. Only a small amount of the emitted light is is in the orange or red spectrums, which plants use efficiently. Warm white fluorescents (2700 Kelvin) emit a greater portion in the red and orange sectors.
Although fluorescents produce only about 75% of the light per watt that the HPS does, the amount of light usable by the plant is equal or probably higher with the fluorescents. You may wish to experiment to see if adding a single cool white CFL to replace one warm white results in shorter, stouter stems and more vigorous growth. The reasoning is that warm whites don't emit much blue light, which the plants use for photosynthesis and to regulate their growth. The cool white bulb supplies the blue light.

My call for your unit would be to use several (three to five) CFLs with a total input of between 120-160 watts. Although the 150 watt HPS is a bit more efficient that the CFLs in total output, watt for watt the fluorescents provide as much useful light as the HPS lamp. Heat is another consideration. The HPS runs much hotter and emits more heat than the fluoescents".

The times they are a changing :-) Modern CFL's are WAY more efficient than they used to be! Its time to take a fresh look at modern CFL's.


Well-Known Member
Blah blah ba blah blah blah.....You do all your scientific studies and tinkering and I'll stick to my MH & HPS and lets see who ends up with more crystals or better yet....better weed :hump:


Well-Known Member
lol ive grown with cfls, i know what they produce....
any real grower will take a hps over cfls anyday.
k thanks nuff said


Active Member
lol ive grown with cfls, i know what they produce....
any real grower will take a hps over cfls anyday.
k thanks nuff said
This debate will go on and on! We all have our own opinions of course. But how do you define a 'real' grower my friend?

I have been growing for over 13 years and I wont use anything but CFL's nowdays...... I used HPS for many years for bigger grows but I would not go back to them now. Simply no need to :-)

We are all 'real' growers friend, all facing the same risks and challenges, simply using different methods. I came here to post some information that may help others to understand the issues about HPS v CFL and make up thier OWN minds :-)