My third grow: TGA SPace Dawg, Ripped Bubba, Plush Berry

Hey Subcool and friends!

Just wanted to post some vids of my Legal Medical Grow here in Canada. Its small but since this is only my third grow then thats all I need. I have read many articles, books and online threads before growing but I try and keep it real simple and not get caught up in the super duper grow stuff as I know Im not ready for all that yet. I am a perfumer by trade and cannabis fits right in there so it has really got my hobby bug going.

I have Fibromyalgia, Generalized Anxiety Dissorder, and a yet to be diagnosed anxiety issue that has me geeked, something like Turrets of the muscles or OCD of the muscles. So Cannabis is used for Pain, Anxiety, Deppresion, Nausea, Sleep, and a TV changing like mind.

All of this is so important because I have 4 kids. Three daughters with me. My wife and kids also have to feel my illness because they must now do what I cant, and deal with my wrath when Im in pain and when I was on crazy meds and narcotics. I treat everything now with only Cannabis and my family is greatful for it.

I have a very religious family so no one to share my growing with. Even my wife has never smoked though she still supports me, Thank God. So I would like to share with all of you. Peace

Youtube vid:


hello. this is my first post on rollitup. i think. and my first time subscribing to a thread on this site. are you planning on keeping this going for the whole grow? that would be awesome.

anyways, i'm glad cannabis is able to benefit you in this way. it's better than pharmaceuticals, for sure.
Thanks for the kinds words yall. Yeh I was pretty happy about my use of space as it just clicked to me. I had a real tuff time finding vids that explained certain things in detail like how to set up small. There are some online but not much that would pertain to my space as I use no closet or anything like that. The tent is useful if you dont mind it being there out in the open were ever it is as its hard to hide from guests. Mines in my den and we just say we have personal belongings in there to keep anyone from asking to go in the den. I went with the tent because I had no one to help me with my set up and I live in an apartment so no room for cutting wood or building my own from sctratch. So my vids are really intended to explain a little further how a tent can be used effectianly and can still be customized. The tent is expensive but the flip side is it solves alot of the problems right off the bat for a new grower like me. I dont run any Co2 as I have good fresh air in the room from outside and just dont need the hastle of what is needed for Co2. Everything is grown in Coco and Perlite and Im useing GH Flora Nova drain to waist with some Grozyme and Cal Mag in the mix.


Well-Known Member
cool set up dude.. I love me some plushberry probably my favorite TGA strain.. My grow buddy grows nothing but TGA and out of all the TGA stuff plushberry does it for me!
Very excited indeed! I have only tried Chernobyl and I like it. I am not a fan of Train Wreck but the Chernobyl is definatly a step in the right direction away from Train Wreck for me. The Train Wreck has this smell I just cant stand, something like the smell of the water inside the cannabis main stock when you cut it. It smells fruity shity and acrid, blaaaaah! The Cherbayl has a bit of that but on a much more toned down mode and on the citus side of things. Its also real clear unlike for me the Train Wreck realy does make me need to lie down for a while from the brain twist it gives me. I am hopeing my plush berry I saved is a keeper cause it is growing so so pretty and even in this kind of olive green almost pastel color. So far it is the most vigours plant I have. If I had space for males Id keep it if it turned that way but, non of that yet. I am interested in a couple of strains outside of TGA but I have hopes they are along the same lines of what I like. I really am looking for the perfect indica leaning hybrid. Something that grows on the quicker side in veg, something grows almost maintenence free and has like a 60/40 indica dom feel to it and something that stays very controlable during veg and flower. I also like to try some stuff from Dr Atomic and more from Mr Nice like Ortega and NL5 Afghan and a few others.

I grew up in Seattle and have particulary fond memories of our indoor specialties like NL, UW and Blueberry and really anything that was popular up the west coast during the early 90's. I like the idea of TGA in that they blend old school stuff with super hybreds that seem to be known for being unique and very good. I do get what seems to be authentic C99 and Apollo 11 here from a compassion club and they are not really my thing, but they are truly world class butique bud. Its not that they are bad but its that I just dont get that body thing I like in my bud. The C99 is a little racey but very very clear similar to JH but smells totally different like rotten fruit and pinapple citrus and the Apollo 11 smells like pinapple-apple cinnomon slight sour cream with a clear begining and a slam that just does me in every time. I know TGA has some similar gentics but the idea of them crossed with other old school strains seems to make alot of sense as a tribute and further development of those particular genetics and good bridge gapping between the two.
Just loaded a new video on youtube. Starting with 3 Plushberry, 2 Space Dawg and 1 Ripped Bubba, all were female but one Plushberry! Also the other 2 smaller Space Dawgs Ijust thew in there are also confirmed female. I just added one more small space dawg and one medium ripped bubba to the flower room. I also confirmed Space Dawg 2 and 3 in veg are also both female! Can you believe it!? So far 9 females and 1 male!


here are a couple of newer ones a couple of days ago. Today is day 25 of flower so ill take a new one soon. Plants are really exploding. Im watering every 2 days in coco. These girls are all very thirsty. Vids: and vid2:

I seem to a have a bit of a thrip problem so I had to scrap the two new ripped bubba but again Im learning as Im going. Still everything is growing well.
Well the thing is, they were pretty bad for a long time, like real bad and those two I think are resposible for gettin everything else all bugged up. Ide much rather scrap a small buggy plant then be thinking of what it "might" do to all my other plants. Im go get something on Monday for the rest of them. Thing is I got a bit OCD and the constant questioning "what did I do", "Its my fault". "Im killing my plants", that kinda thing goes on and on till I do something about it. So plants died to save my anxiety levels from sky rocketing :) Everything else though is doing very well. My space dawg 4 is getting huge! and my symetrical plushberry has got two huge fuzzy/hairy poles from top to bottom just about! Smells like Cherry Kush.