Okay so I got this plant only about a month or so ago and it was almost completely dead. i nurtured it back to like and it was doing decent, it had around 6 leaves. About a week and a half ago 8 areas of the plant up and down the stem had new growths of what looks like dozens of little leaves, which i could tell was going to be strange since the plant is only like 11 1/2 inches tall.. Now this week it's started budding and smells dank! the plant is still like 2 ft tall but has like 4-5 new branches coming in and so far about 18 countable buds. O.O there is like 3 leaves that look normal that are the older leaves but as you will notice all of the new week old leaves look a little strange. This much growth in week JEEZE
The camera I was using sucks but here's the best i could take.. The focus wouldn't let me get close enough o see the bud.. Which is sad since it's like a fourth an inch tall hairs on each one lol