My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!


Well-Known Member
My Stealth Closet Grow
Ok everyone I am starting a closet grow built out of rubbermaids....i got this idea at least a year ago when i saw jethros stealth grow found here I also got a few ideas from this guys grow too check out both of those sites they did a great job. But here is my list of materials

  • 2- 45 gal/170L rubbermaids ($18 a piece)
  • 2- 4" computer fans from best buy ($16 each)
  • 1- roll of duct tape ($2)
  • 1- 4" exhaust ventalation found at home depot ($5)
  • 1- 4 socket bathroom vanity light fixture ($20)
  • 4- Y cheater sockets ($3)
  • 4- cans of spray paint 2 black/2 white krylon paint for plastics ($5 per can)
  • 8- 43 watt CFL's, 150 watt equivelent bulbs 2700 lumens a piece
  • 1- emergency blanket from wal-mart, its made of mylar very good reflectant ($2)
  • 1- can of elmers spray adhesive
  • 2- shoelaces off of old pair of shoes
  • 1- Container of active carbon from the pet store found in the fish department ($6)
  • 1- pack of 6 reuseable clothes ($1.50)
  • 1- 12V used to wire the fans, found on old electronics around the house
  • 1- roll of electrical tape
  • 1- board from an old shelf to bolt to the top of the rubbermaid for support to the lights
  • 4- bolts with washers and nuts any size that will fit through the wood and lid
Ok first things first were to paint the inside of the rubbermaids black so that the light doesnt shine through the bins and then white over that to reflect as much light as possible. Then cut the bottom out of the top bin and the lid out of the bottom lid so that it is hollow all the way through, then duct taped together so close any gaps. Then i cut holes for the exhaust and fan blowing in on the bottom and one fan mounted right on the exhaust blowing it out the tube. I lined the whole thing with emergency blanket cut to the right size and then using spray adhesive attached it to every inch of the inside to help reflect as much light as possible. I had to also cut 2 more exhaust vents on top to help keep the temp down inside the box.


Well-Known Member
You are going to use your 12V plug and do a little surgery with your cords but they will work. I have 2 thingsd plugged in for this grow, the lights and the fan plug that is it. On the top i have two screw in hooks with the shoe laces attached for the lights, makes it easy to lower and raise the lights when needed. Also with the active carbon from the pet store i spread out the reusable clothes and basically made a few teabags for filters with them and stuck them in the on the side and 2 on the top.

top fan blowing out the exhaust

top of lid showing hooks and shoe strings

Active carbon from pet store along with cloth used for making tea-bag filter


Well-Known Member
OK now that i have all that together i got a good start with my plants....i have a buddy that just harvested his crop on the 4th and i got 3 of his plants that i am going to do this by leaving some buds and a few leaves on the bottom and it will grow back, saves me time with cloning and now i am guaranteed females, they are Sweet Tooth and Dutch Passion i dont know exactly which is which but that's what they are. So here are a few pics of what i have started.....These are the same day that they were cut for harvest so it is gunna take a few days for them to recover and start growing a whole new plant.

Day 1 Decmember 4th

Water system made from clear 1/2 inch hose, it is wrapped around the base of the plant and it has slits cut on the bottom part of the tube all the way around so that i can water them from the top by barely opening the lid and pouring the water down the waters the plant evenly all the way around the real nifty and came up with that when i was really stoned :D Its going to work really nice for when the plants fill up the whole bin and access to the base of the plant is really hard to get at.

top view of where hoses are at top of bin



Well-Known Member
O i forgot to mention that i have a sustained temp of around 84 degrees.... the high is sometimes 89 and the low is about 81


Well-Known Member
ok update it is now December 9th and the plants are finally starting to show signs of new growth....looks to me that the re-veg is working....i also had to clip some of the leaves off because they were looking like they were dying and so i clipped them so that the plants could focus more on producing new growth then trying to keep old leaves from dying. Here are pics of before i trimmed them and afterwards.....i have a feeling that in the next couple days they are just gunna exploded.





After Trim




Let me know what you pretty sure they are gunna make it, i hope this trim didnt mess em up too bad....


Active Member
i have a two question if u dont mind answering for me... 1 where did u get a light fixture like that? and how many exhaust are you using ? i see two on the top of the box or are those ur fans for air intake


Well-Known Member
Ok bigchris i got the light fixture at home depot im pretty sure, it is just one of those fixtures that goes above the mirror in a bathroom, it only has 4 sockets on it so i went and bought 4 double socket spliters or whatever you want to call them they screw into the single socket but have 2 spots for bulbs to screw thats how i got 8 bulbs in 4 sockets its really easy.
And for the exhaust ya the ones that you see on top are just there for the hot air to rise out of because the inside temp with just the single vent coming out of the side of the box was almost up to 100 degrees so i just had to add a couple more spots for the hot air to come out.....the intake is on the bottom blowing in.


Active Member
hey man thanks i just got back from home depot i bought most the stuff, they didnt have the 45 gallon rubbermaids so im going to have to look somewhere else.. what soil would u recommend this is my first grow so sorry for all the questions : /


Well-Known Member
the pots are 2 gallon pots...and i got my rubbermaids at wal-mart they were like 17 bucks a piece i think...


Well-Known Member
o sry i forgot to say the soil i got was just some good organic stuff i dunno what the best is but thats what looked good to me when i was shopping....