My squash suck!


Well-Known Member
My crookneck squash are growing and blooming but no squash? The bees and bugs are coming but still nothing! I stuck my finger into a blossom and it is like they have no pollen WTF is up with that?:confused:


maybe it just isnt ready yet??? i dunno; i pulled my squash, cause they sucked too..
id get squash, but they would turn to mush? on the plant...f squash!


Well-Known Member
Ok now I know why my squash are sucking,well I sort of know.Squash have 2 kinds of flowers male and female,males come out on stalks females bloom close to the plant "I did not know this"!The male flowers are only fertile for 1 day and can start appearing a few weeks before you ever even see a female flower.So im giving them a few more weeks and crossing my fingers,I really just want enough for one darn casserole lol!:mrgreen: