My set-up


Active Member
I got a 1000 watter and 2 400watters in a 2 bedroom apartment. Im kinda sketched out cause all my neigbors electric bills are like $80 a month and mine is gona be around $150. Also im the only one on a 2 bedroom police. I have a carbon scrubber but im worried about the electric bill, and maybe an apartment inspector or noisy maintenence worker

Richard Pryor

Active Member
Paranoia is a bitch. $150 a month is nothing. So, your neighbors have a one bedroom apt and spend $80... so the logic is that if you have a 2 bedroom apt, you'll spend twice as much.

You know, the electric company has more important things to do than to check every clients bill month after month, or compare your bill to your neighbors, to see irregularities.

Grow some balls and start growing!


Well-Known Member
exactly what this^^ guy said. im in a two bedroom apartment too. its not as sketch as some peeps on this site make it out to be. i mean use ur judgement man. thats all. stay smart with it and dont take tooooo many chances


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about the electric bill either. $70 is not even that much variation at all. Growing in an apartment does make me a little nervous but unless you get really unlucky (like a busted pipe in your building) you will have plenty of warning before anyone comes in your apartment.


Active Member
If your using regular light bulbs in the apartment switch them all out for low watt fluorescent bulbs, and another thing people don't understand is that even when appliances or electronics are turned off at night or when not being used, but still plugged in, it still sucks up energy. So there are lot's of changes you can make to make up for some of that extra power used on the grow. Change all your lights in the apartment and hook all you electronics up to one power bar and unplug it when your not using anything, that alone will save you lots.

By the way, that unplugging everything tip. I got it off the Oprah show "I know I'm gay, lol" but the one girl was showing how she split her electric bill in HALF just by unplugging anything that's not being used and apparently it works. I takes time and discipline to do it, but it adds up, and the more things you plug into one power-bar makes it easier to just unplug the one plug each time.