my set up. lemme know what u think


Active Member
i plan on growing 4 plants(white widow) in a closet which is 6 feet long x 2 feet wide x 7 feet tall


the light can switch from metal halide for veg. growth to HPS for flowering

i have 1 low powered fan in one corner and an ionic breeze air purifier in the other to get good air flow going

does this sound like a good set up? is 1000w to much?

lemme know
1000 watt light for 4 plants is over kill. A waste of money. VV

Then my 1,200 watt for 1 plant is overkill? Actually its (12) 26w Daylight CFL's. Out of curiosity is it better for vegint to just leave the lights on 24/0? I have them on 18/6 with a 1 hour inturupted light cycle half way during the dark period.
i grow a thosand in a 4x2 right out for heat mabee a sealed reflector with an exsaust fan...also get rid of air purifier in grow room it will netrulize some the taste on the weed...if smell is a problem clean the exsausted air with a carbon filter...
a 2 feet wide area for a 1000 hps. WOW look out for wall fires. very hot for that small of area. try a 4oo w. even 2 250 w.
make sure you have atleast 455cfm exausting your light. keep you light on a closed system seperate from you grow room air. you will not need to clean that air. the grow room will be able to stay cool with a fan with half the rating as the 6in vortex or ecoplus. like a bathroom ceiling mount exaust fan. leave it on 24h unless running co2. and get a osc. fan. the thousie has great penetration and will make fat nugz on the bottem of a big plant.just becareful of hot spots. like 100% suggested. grow like 6. veg for 4-6weeks from clone. use ScrOG. you will have a lot of weight from just 6 plants. otherwise use the closet for a veg/mother room and build a flower room for your thousie! good luck. either way you need a vortex or squrilcage. heavy duty