My Set Up / Any Advice?


Active Member
I keep trying to attach my pics, but for some reason it won't let me. Going to try again, but they are in my Gallery. So how does things look so far? My plants are now 2 weeks old. The grow room is 5x4 and 7 ft high? The lighting is 2 G.E. fluorescent 40 wt bulbs. Light output of 3050 lumes and color temp of 6500k. I am on a 18/6 cycle. I have a fan running across them on low for 18/6 also. The soil is Miracle grow moisture control. I am using 8" pots. I don't have any intake or outtake fans, just open the door for about 8 hrs a day.( by the way, should I do this when the light is on or off?)
Do they look good for 2 weeks? When should I start adding nutrients? When do I begin flowering? Is the temp and humidity good? When should I add more lights?
I will be adding 12 more plants as the are already germinated and in the long planter.
All my accessories come from good ol' Wal-Mart, so if anyone has any ideas on getting more things please just let me know what to buy, more light, nutrients, fans, etc. Please tell me what brand exactly. I can never decide on the right stuff when i get there. And I'm in a small town so we get all our stuff from Wal-mart.


Well-Known Member
The setup is fine for now. Are you planning on using fluero's for flowering? As i wouldnt recommend it. Yes they look pretty good for 2 weeks. Start using nutrients any time now but only use 1/4 strength and work your way up 1/2 etc. As for the flowering cycle thats a while off so u wont need to worry. and NEVER open the door when the light is off once your start the flowering 12/12 cycle. I wouldnt add any more fluero's i would go and buy a good HPS maybe 250 or 430 watt as for brands it doesnt really matter but if you are concerned just google it. And the temperature should be anywhere from 75-85f for best results and around 40-50% humidity. Happy Growing!


Active Member
hey dude. you're going to need to get a 400w. Typically a 4x4 grow room requires a 400w mh/hps. Humidty for seedlings should be 55-65% humidity, temp 72-80. Get an oscilating fan, it increases circulation and delivers fresh co2 to all leaves. They're out of season now so you might now find one at wal mart already tried that a bit ago. Also, figure out how to implement an exhaust fan into the equation, maybe buy an in-line fan and mount it near the ceiling, attach duct to it and run it through your plastic or w/e the partitions are. Try not to overwater, that was my biggest mistake and its very easy to do. Good luck and congratz.