My seeds aren't sprouting...


Well-Known Member
So I germinated 3 seeds and put them in their own cup with Fox Farm Oceans. I'm using 8 CFLs, 4 Daylight: 4Soft white. The cups are 6inches away from the light. I know plants should be within inches of CFL's but not even a couple hours and my soil dries up.

I bought a moisture measurer to help me refrain from over/under watering. Its been almost 2 days. I haven't seen any activity with on sprout. When I added the first time (besides the time I actually put the seed in the soil, buried it, and sprayed to moisten) I was a bit hasty and the measurer said it was very wet, above moist.. which isn't good so I let it go through out the day today, came home tonight and its dry. So I'm not sure to keep watering it but I don't remember reading anything on this problem? I'm not using anything other than water, CFLs, and 3 cups and seeds. so I hope I gave enough information. Any help would be great. I just want to get these damn seeds to sprout!

Oh, and my temperature is around 79-80 (lights on) 76 (lights off). Fahrenheit.


Well-Known Member
Be patient. if they don't come up in 5 days then you can start to worry. It took my seeds 3 days for them all to break the surface.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
how deep is the material u put the soil n. it seems as if they r drying very fast and u may need a deeper type of pot to keep the moisture n the soil. happened to me with my peat pellets. other than that i'd say b patient, they will pop out soon enough


Well-Known Member
I might have to start over again, I had my moisture measurer on PH setting and i overwatered again -_-. I went ahead and suran wrapped the cups.

I'm using a styrofoam cup, so I think it should be adequate enough. I think I'm just being impatient like you guys say. Thanks for the help :D I'm bouncing out of town but I'll be sure to give a heads up to see what the results are. I might need help if nothing happens in the next 3-5 days.


Well-Known Member
until they sprout the lights aren't that important. but it doesn't hurt since you wrapped them to build humidity. i'm sure they will pop up any day now. Peace


Well-Known Member
put a magnet underneath the cup with the SOUTH end facing up... that should get em to sprout quicker..

see my thread regarding sowing seeds in magnetic energy