My seedling looks alive but has not grown in two days?


Can anyone tell me what the problem is? This is the deal. I have to plants growing in 2 small pots with good drainage and potting soil fresh new bag. I am using 6500k cfls 5 inches 6 inches from soil not too close. one plant seemed to have stopped growing though. it got about 2 inches tall with first two leaves then the next set. now it has stopped growing. it is not yellow, and it looks healthy but it has definetely stopped growing? can anyone give me help? i tried putting up a pic but technology has failed me....additional info: Indoor grow, Expert Gardener Potting Soil from Wal mart, ph at 6.8 Subject-73.EML/1_multipart_xF8FF_%30524102223.jpg/C58EA28C-18C0-4a97-9AF2-036E93DDAFB3/0524102223.jpg?attach=1
this is a pic of my seedling


I'm just a newbie, but it might help others answer if you include what kind of soil you're using as well as what kind of fertilizer or nutrients. How often do you water? If it's not yellow that might mean it's not being over fed, but it might be under fed or over watered. Some other facts that will help find a solution to your problem would be to say whether your plants are inside or outside, your soil ph, your grow areas temperature, and humidity. The more info you provide, the better others will be able to help. Hope it works out.