My room gets warm


Well-Known Member
My room gets warm during lights on... now ive heard that flir can detect rooms that are unusually warm in comparison to the rest of the house. Spreading the heat from the exhaust into other rooms isnt really practical and venting outside is a no no - are there any other ways to get rid of the heat? I just have two grow boxes in my bedroom one running a 150w cool white fluoro for veg and one running a 250w hps for flowering?



Well-Known Member
My room gets warm during lights on... now ive heard that flir can detect rooms that are unusually warm in comparison to the rest of the house. Spreading the heat from the exhaust into other rooms isnt really practical and venting outside is a no no - are there any other ways to get rid of the heat? I just have two grow boxes in my bedroom one running a 150w cool white fluoro for veg and one running a 250w hps for flowering?

u wrm up with floros and a 250? not enough to be noticed man come on...
What if u got ur heater running or a pc,home theatre etc all set up, that gives of much0 heat

AC could cure ur paranoia


Well-Known Member
so how is it done if i want to use AC... do i run the exhausts directly into the AC unit and cool air comes out the back?.... i will eventually want to upgrade so need to know this shit


Well-Known Member
i mean say i had 4 x 400watts and a big grow tent... how would i get rid of that heat signature? - are AC units the way to do it and if so what features should i look for when buying one?


4 lights in a tent, must be like a oven with out an a/c unit. If your usin co2 get a 2 duct portable unit, if not any portable a/c will do the job ($300+)
are your lights vented...? Ducted lights are the best thing the fake titty. Im runnin 4 1000w ducted lights, and with the a/c off, my room dosnt top 82f
ive not been growin for to long, but i know alot of people in the so. Cal. Area who have, and never never never have i seen or herd anybody getting poped for heat signatures
the helicopter with infared is all a bunch of hype....

Just my $.02

good luck


Well-Known Member
top of the thread says im not running that kind of setup yet... but when i do get to that stage - i want to be able to do it safely


Well-Known Member
whilst im here - another thing ive always wondered about

if ur gonna insulate your entire grow, and as i have seen from some peoples pics on here of insualter growrooms - surely you need air in to the gap thats created - and how do you figure what size of fan to pump air in - and do you need an air out as well?


I realize that, but that same rules apply, small or large, get an a/c unit, and dont let urban legends freak you out....


Well-Known Member
Ok but i dont have a clue about air conditioning units...

have i to run the exhausts straight into them or does it stand alone in the room?

what should i be looking for when buying one?


If using co2, you will need a duel duct portable, or a wall mount. I like portable units, so you can move it, and use it if and when you go to a larger operation.
If not using co2 any portable a/c will work, simply run the vent duct(s) out of the controled grow area. And plug it in, set it to 70f and thats it.
I like to keep the surface of my table around 73f. Not sure what light hoods you have, but if there old sytle (non ducted)
the a/c will work a lil harder/longer, but it shouldnt be a problem. As far as which one to buy, your budget will decide that first, but i would go with a good brand name, cost a lil more, but you will be glad if it ever breaks down.


Well-Known Member
so when you say run the vents out of the controlled grow area i take it you mean my exhaust ducting from each stand alone cupboard (veg + flower) and have the air conditioner free standing in my main room with both those ducts going into it?


Well-Known Member
You dont think they are going to pay the costs to keep a chopper in the air to look for 4 or 5 plants do ya. It cost something like $5000 a hour to pay for the fuel, servicing and wages.


Most a/c take in air, devide hot from cold, push cold back in the room, and push hot air out a duct. This is why you run the duct out of the grow area, so the hot air is removed, the use of a duel duct is it draws in air from outside (grow area) and cools the condencer coil and blows back out. But this is only needed if using co2


And how many houses, have a/c & heaters in the attic, that shit make the attic crazy warm, aside from that, its just not somthin that happens.....

Never herd anyone getting poped for heat signs....


Well-Known Member
You dont think they are going to pay the costs to keep a chopper in the air to look for 4 or 5 plants do ya. It cost something like $5000 a hour to pay for the fuel, servicing and wages.
Happens all the time in the uk... fly overs are common and although searching for grow ops might not always be their priority id rather not leave it to chance

I think i should be ok with my setup just now but this is good homework for when i eventually want to upgrade - i cant justify the expense of an ac unit for a 250w but im glad i have started small and will eventually work towards a bigger setup


Have you tryed a bigg fan pushing air in one side, and out the other, best way to keep a hot pocket of air from buildin, is to not let the air sit and heat up....worth a try, and cheap. Plants want to be movin from a fan anyway


Well-Known Member
Have you tryed a bigg fan pushing air in one side, and out the other, best way to keep a hot pocket of air from buildin, is to not let the air sit and heat up....worth a try, and cheap. Plants want to be movin from a fan anyway
well i have intake and extraction systems set up properly in my grow cupboards with carbon filters if thats what you mean, its just an observation that i can feel temperature in the room i grow in is a little higher than the other rooms


Well-Known Member
Happens all the time in the uk... fly overs are common and although searching for grow ops might not always be their priority id rather not leave it to chance

I think i should be ok with my setup just now but this is good homework for when i eventually want to upgrade - i cant justify the expense of an ac unit for a 250w but im glad i have started small and will eventually work towards a bigger setup
I live in the uk, and belive me that is not the reason the chopper's are in the sky. As you know at the minuet there is snow everywhere and i have a 400 watt hps and 100watt worth of cfl's in the loft and it hasn't made a difference to the snow on the roof. If you where running 4 x 1000 watt the may be a problem (thats only a maybe).

Another thing buddy, those ac unit make a right din(noise). So if you have it in the loft becarfull of next door hearing to a/c unit kicking in.


Active Member
I live in the uk, and belive me that is not the reason the chopper's are in the sky. As you know at the minuet there is snow everywhere and i have a 400 watt hps and 100watt worth of cfl's in the loft and it hasn't made a difference to the snow on the roof. If you where running 4 x 1000 watt the may be a problem (thats only a maybe).

Another thing buddy, those ac unit make a right din(noise). So if you have it in the loft becarfull of next door hearing to a/c unit kicking in.
I got 2x600w in my attic and i got more snow on my roof than next door

No melting whatsoever. I also exhaust my hot air straight into the chimney it seems the obvious solution for anyone paranoid about the unrealistic possibility that they send choppers up to look for warm roofs as it will just look like you got a fire going.


Well-Known Member
I got 2x600w in my attic and i got more snow on my roof than next door

No melting whatsoever. I also exhaust my hot air straight into the chimney it seems the obvious solution for anyone paranoid about the unrealistic possibility that they send choppers up to look for warm roofs as it will just look like you got a fire going.

Wish i had a chimney, it's amazing what you wish you had in your house when you start growing. Like a basment, could you imagine that, all the heat that rises up acctually starts to heat your house up and cause smaller gas bill's. Thats the dream, once house price's go up am out of here.