My Rockwool Propogation tray babies are looking sad!!!

I started with seeds from a good seed bank and bought a progation tray with rockwool cubes and a flourecent grow light. the cover has been on and the seeds seemed to germinate good. The seedlings are coming up and about 1 inch long. Im not sure how long to keep the cover on, how long to leave the light on or how high to position the light above the plants. I have an eb and flo hydro system waiting. The plants seemed to be slowing down and wilting. I watered very lightly and used a tiny amount of the starter fluid. What should I do to keep the babies growing? How long should they stay in the tray? How much light time do they need? How high should I put the light? Do they need more water/nutrients? Should the cover stay on? When do they need to go into the hydro system? Have like 5 books but none seem to be clear cut enough to help. They seem to broad in knowledge to help??????
Thanks to anyone and would be glad to pay for help that works!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
What is this starter fluid are you talkin about? Seedlings dont need any nutes untill they develop true leaves and are a couple weeks old.
Other thing is you shouldnt have to water them every day because they dont have a large root system yet. I killed alot of seedling by overwatering them. They would get about a inch tall then get slimmy and wilt over. I learned to water them with a spray bottle only when i picked them up and the felt too light. Hope this helps ya out
thanks. easy on the water and should i keep the light on 24 hours and only a few inches above the plants? Do u use a cover? thanks again


Well-Known Member
I keep the lights on 24hrs untill I see roots comming out the bottom. When i transplant them in my buckets i like to have the light on 18/6...people say the dark period helps root growth.
Ya keep them covered but open it a couple times a day to exchange the air.


Well-Known Member
No problem man just share the wealth.
One day when you get shit figured out you can help some other new guy get started.
Its like the old sayong goes......
You can give a man a fish and feed him for a day or
you can teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.....
Keep em green my friend!
Good luck and Happy growing!