My Promethazine Experience

I had bronchitis and went to the doctor the other day and he gave me Promethazine w/ Codeine and the brand is Hi-Tech(Red). I went to a buddies of mine around 7pm and when I got there i poured about 2 oz's in my Sprite and was drinking that. I poured my friends a little bit as well. I finished most of the soda in about an hour I think, so I wasn't really sippin to the end of the bottle. After that bottle was done I was feeling pretty good. We get picked up by a friend and do some shit. After that I had some Mountain Dew and i poured some in a cup I used about 10ml's I took a couple small swigs from the actual bottle through the night. After than its about 10:00 ish and Im feeling "faded", were watching Clerks 2 and I can barely keep my eyes open so I rest them but I kept waking myself up. Everytime I closed my eyes it felt like I was doing something. Whenever I would get up my legs felt like they weren't even there. So for the rest of the night till like 12:30 I was just chillin. My words were sluring, I was getting extremely tired and I was sorta out of it. I felt good though. I myself probably drank like 2.5 or 3 oz's. Around 1:00 AM my friend and I smoked two bowls with some of the lean on it and I'm super high right now. This took me atleast 30 minutes to type but there will still be mistakes. Right now I'm feeling pretty faded but its kind of hard what its from. Should I not have sipped on it that fast? And how messed up do you get off this? I never used it before so I don't really know what to expect. Tell me what you think of the brand I used too and tell me if you ever used it and how you used it/how messed up you got.


Well-Known Member
I never tried Promethazine, I do codeine though.

Codeine gets 10% of it processed as morphine in the brain, plus the promethazine is a sedative, I imagine you will be pretty sated haha.

Yeah it doesn't really matter how fast you drink it, probably better to drink it all at once anyway. You should be fine though, totally normal.
Yeah I was stuck in a chair lol. I was almost falling tryin to sit down. I was just wondering what brand of it do you use and what are the side effects of it. It feels like I took a muscle relaxer or something. I just want to know what other people feel when they take it.