My Prediction Song

Worked at a Black and Decker like five years ago got mad bored one day and decided to write a song that predicts my future as well as the future of my friends and community. The gravity cannot really be understood by anyone else as they didn't live through my life but over the past five years its all come very true. Many people in my life want me to try and get it published but I feel that's only because they are awestruck at it's accuracy as I showed it to them when I first wrote it. So before taking that step I want other people who have no idea who I am or where I am from to read it and give me some comments. There are some obscure references in there so if something doesn't make sense to you please ask and I will be happy to translate.

Street Lights

Verse 1:
Street Lights are burning bright
It's two o clock in the morning
but they still wont end the night

"We will always be in this town"
That is what I heard them say
Never leaving each other
Never going away

Living each day as if it were the last
uncaring about the troubles
Worries would be forgotten fast

In that school they lived as gods
Good times wouldn't pass them by
Being reckless was so much fun
But isn't it funny how time will fly


It's a nice thought, never growing up
To some it's a nightmare
To others a dream
Only one thing is for certain
Life is never what it seems
If only they understood
What was thrown away
But it's to late to look back
Because everything will change

Verse 2 Part 1

The boat shoves off he's still aboard
Waving there it now sets in
Will they ever see him alive again
It's off to war, It's off to fight
The sound of gun fire chases away thoughts of those lights

Verse 2 Part 2

The drugs that pass through his skin
Just one more will do him in
He cannot stop he's lost control
Coursing through his veins it takes it's toll
Sitting back, about past times he thinks
Those lights fade as the room now shrinks

Verse 2 Part 3

72, the speed to beat
Around that bend on his old street
A tires screech will pierce the night
he begins to think about that light
Jack and Jim his new best friends
All old friendships will come to an end

Repeat chorus

Verse 3

Those street lights so far away
Sidewalks riddled with corruption
The good old days have gone astray

Cracked and torn there's nothing left
All that was good can no longer be seen
Quiet streets now violent black rivers
It's as if it never happened and was all a dream

Honesty and loyalty seem so out of sight
Deception, Destruction the new way of life
They were mistaken about their future, they weren't right

The halls of the school, now ruled by drugs
Good times are gone, forever lost
Broken and beaten are the rooms where they once sat
They never knew how much their time would cost

Verse 4

Now I sit in this Nine by six
Hands stained Red from mistakes past made
Thinking about the lights under which we laid
The pictures on the wall of faces now missed
This destruction of a person is a small price to pay
When that beloved place is in complete dismay


"you're only young once"
I heard a man say

If only we realized
What we were throwing away

We all want it back
Those golden days

But it's to late now
As the street lights fade
