My plants have some yellow leaves with brown tips and edges.


Hi everyone, I'm a first time grower and I'm not doing well at it so far. I would appreciate any advice on where I'm going wrong.

My plants are Early Widow, I bought feminised seeds from a grow shop. I live in Spain and the plants are outside in direct sunlight from sun-up to sundown. I'm growing them in pots that I painted white on the outside to reflect the heat and not boil the roots of the plants as it is around 36-40ºC (96-104ºF) here every day.

When I first planted them I over-watered them and, as a result, they are smaller than they should be. I now only water them once every three or four days.

I use a liquid fertiliser called Grower which was recommended by the grow shop, I usually add it once a week but have since read that I should add it more.

Here are three photos of the leaves.

Thanks in advance for your help!