My plants apparently hermie'd


Well-Known Member
I harvested on Wed and they've been hanging for the past two days. The outsides are starting to get "crispy" so I started cutting the buds off to put them all in jars. When I was done, I had 2 seeds just laying where my pile of plants was. I know I did not have any males so that means one, two, all, who knows how many hermie'd on me.

Going through my mind, here are some things that might have caused it:

-There were a couple times I went into my grow room when I shouldn't have. Direct light may have hit them (but only for 2 or 3 seconds) and I also used my phone to illuminate the room once in there which they may have seen. Every time was brief.
-I used feminized seeds. They're Dutch Passion Blue Moonshine. I hear fems are more prone to hermie.
-My light reflector has a small light leak. Light from the duct entrance bounces off the ducting and its is slightly visible inside my grow room. It is not direct light obviously nor is it alot, but it's there.
-They were receiving plenty of nutes until I ran out around week 2 of flowering. They then drank water only for the next two weeks and on the 3rd week I got them more nutes and hit em with more than a full dose. Most of their leaves curled when I did this but I'm not sure if it was due to nutrient shock or the bleach I rinsed the reservoir with (it was rinsed thoroughly but maybe trace amounts of bleach remained? IDK).
-It gets cold in my room and the temp fluctuates between 60-80F.
-Cold water in the reservoir maybe?

I can't think of anything else as to what might have caused this. Anybody care to weigh in on what is the worst thing I listed? Or any advice/experience on not getting hermies in the future?


Well-Known Member
plants hermie sumtimes for absolutely no reason at all. its a natural process for some strains, its a 'continuation of the species' process, especially if u leave them in flower too long. some strains/genetics more prone to it than others. wouldnt worry bout it to much. if u really want to stop the possibility of it happening again try 'dutch masters reverse', its an anti hermie spray and i'll always have a bottle of it available when i'm growing. heres sum links to some info on it and hermies.