My plant.


Active Member
I planted a seed about a week ago, and it still has not sprouted, I didn't germinate them but I didn't germinate my last plant and it grew, so anyone know what's up? I live in Miami, lately it's been sunny and cold with some rain. I used potting soil.


Active Member
You should have germinated them but just keep the soil moist so the tisues in the seed will expand but you should see a sprout in a couple days. Plus sometimes seeds don't sprout they are just dudds


Active Member
Oh alright, thanks, I'm going to go check on them later today. I have 9 seeds being germinated at the moment which I plan to plant on the ground in a brush field full of life, hopefully all will go well =)


Well-Known Member
Always germanate your seeds b4 you even put them antwhere near soil has soon has hey sprout a little white shoot i let the shoot gow alittle to about 5 mm then put shoot down in soil and watch it grow should appear in about 2/3 days.putt your seeds in a wet piece of papper towl ant cover with another piece of wet towl and keepm them damp till shoots show 3/4 days or less make sure that you keep them in a warmish not too hot a place Dont have to be under light till its in soil window ledge or something like that.