My plant so far...(pics)


Well-Known Member
this is a bagseed about 1 1/2 month old just growing under the sun...
i cant tell if its sativa or indica yet??
what you guyz think of it?



Well-Known Member
Yep ... definitely an indica ... not you only one I hope ... and you don't plan to sex it before you put it outside correct?

How many are you planting? Is there any way you can sex them before putting in the ground?

I just feel it's such a waste to put all that time and energy into a male!:evil:

Good luck to you ... :joint:


Well-Known Member
I heard of a way to sex a plant before putting it in the ground. I've never done it so others might want to chime in to confirm this can actually be done...but its what I'm planning on trying when the time comes.

You need to have access to lights to force flower though. What you do is take a clone and as soon as its established, force flower and you can tell the sex then. That IS possible right?



Well-Known Member
y ma that plant is pretty small for a month and a half.. but it looks pretty healthy looks as if it might be over watererd a bit let the soil on the top of the pot dry out between waterings


I have a one month old indica growing outside and has eight sets of leaves. Other pics ive seen online mirror pretty much the same. Yours looks nice and healthy but watch for overwatering


Hey at a month and half old I think it should be bigger and have more sets of leaves. It definately looks like indica to me also. Its also very dark are u feeding? How much if u feed to much it will stunt its growth and it will often turn a dark deep green