My plant is wilting at about 4 weeks of flowering


Active Member
My plant is about 4 weeks into flowering and all of the sudden its wilting and i dont know why. I water it every 3 days and i fertilized it every 2 weeks. My friend threw some food spikes in there and i told him not to so i made him take them out and its still dying. I have a tight budget so im using to 42 watt cfl's and one 2 foot 40 watt fluorescent fixture. The cfl's are warm white and the fluorescent is cool white and i dont know if that could be a problem or not. im thinking i might have to raise the lights or sumthing because it's about 2 inches away from them. The pot im using is about 6 inches in diameter. Does anybody have any idea wat's rong??:cry:


Active Member
Try less water. more light. but raise the bulbs a few inches and give her space. She'll be okay.I think you should use only the fluor lights..Good luck!