my plant is lookin pretty rough any ideas


Well-Known Member
i think theres several things goin on here. the plant did look good and growin good and everything then now it just decides to get all messed up. i wasnt to concerned at first with the droopy leaves but now they are drooping more and more. i didnt think it was that big of a deal. then a few of the leaves got a few white spots on it so then i started to worry a little more but it is still fixable. now today my leaves are yellowing on the tips and some of the bigger leaves are browning on certain spots like nute burn. now im worried. im using some pretty cheap all organic non nuted soil and added 2tbs of BMO's bat guano with 5 gal of soil and 3 tsp of worm castings. i didnt water when i replanted being that the soil was allready moist. its still growing but growth has been slow. heres a pic.



Well-Known Member
i think theres several things goin on here. the plant did look good and growin good and everything then now it just decides to get all messed up. i wasnt to concerned at first with the droopy leaves but now they are drooping more and more. i didnt think it was that big of a deal. then a few of the leaves got a few white spots on it so then i started to worry a little more but it is still fixable. now today my leaves are yellowing on the tips and some of the bigger leaves are browning on certain spots like nute burn. now im worried. im using some pretty cheap all organic non nuted soil and added 2tbs of BMO's bat guano with 5 gal of soil and 3 tsp of worm castings. i didnt water when i replanted being that the soil was allready moist. its still growing but growth has been slow. heres a pic.
have u changed anything with this plant? light nutes etc????


Active Member
the yellow spots and edges are from nute burn flush the dirt with water but the plant is allready over waterd from what i can see soo its hard to say what to do it happend to mine im only on my 1st grow so i just let it dry up then just did strait water for a while then just used a light dose in watering every other day i used fish emulsion witch is really safe 5-1-1 soo its not that strong but strong enuff for a beginner but i hope that helps water 25-50ml every other day more as they get bigger use a water bottle thats 1/4 of the water u need to give it or just think like that and just water around the stem that helped me to just get the roots to absorb it and not the rest of the soil to get wet


Well-Known Member
i might water once a wk. and i've been changin stuff quite a bit lately. i guess the biggest change is light. it was mainly an outdoor grow untill about 2wks ago when i started it on cfl's. it did seem much better outside but it was also smaller at the time and outdoors is no longer an option. this is bagseed and i was kind of suspecting this to be an outdoor strain because it hasnt been doing to good indoors.


Active Member
aND geeze i was looking at the wrong picture hahaha that kinda looks like my one plant after i transplanted it it got like that but alooooot worse i thout it was gonna die the leafs littlerly spun circular around the plant all of them and it was a little bigger and say it was like that for 2 weeks now its my biggest one :)


Well-Known Member
dang man..sorry to see your plant looking like that..if I was you man I would just transplant it into some good potting soil or is that already in potting soil?..almost looks like those lil rocks alot of people use... and then I would not give it any more nutes for a few old is the plant? Ive read a lot that you shouldn't give plants any nutes for like the first 3 weeks or so..but I am by far the most experienced...if your only watering like every week I think it could actually be underwatered...I usually water every 3-4 days for the first few weeks but only like a cup at a time...then once I transplant into bigger pots I soak them once a week and that has worked for me


Well-Known Member
rule of thumb, if you can stick your finger a few inches into the soil without feeling any moisture its time to water


Well-Known Member
yeah especially young plants...i water every 3 or so days cause the roots are so small..but at the same time you don't want to soak them..just give em a lil..that way the roots stretch..i have started my seeds here lately in the miracle grow seed starter great and already has enough nutrients to last atleast 3 weeks


Well-Known Member
sounds good but i like to stay away from the miracle grow, bad experiences with it, now i mix my own seed starter,
yeah too much water will cause root rot which is real bad, this is especially bad if you have no perlite and it cant drain right


Well-Known Member
i usually water the day after i check the soil with my finger because i found out that even though its dry 3 inches down the soil is still moist around the roots. could it not be draining well enough? its in a 5gal bucket but i drilled about 50 holes in the bottom of it. the soil was only $2 for 40lbs though. it was the cheapest non nuted organic soil i could find at walmart so thats what i used. i was thinkin of replanting and letting go with the nutes for awhile but then im gonna have to go out and get another bag of soil and getting around isnt easy for me being that i live about 30 min away from walmart and i cant drive anywhere. i'll get it done as soon as possible if thats all i need to do to save it. thanx for the book did you find that?


Well-Known Member
yeah when I transplanted these last couple times I mixed a butt load of perlite in my soil...that helps a lot with draining...what bad experiences did you have with miracle grow?..i dont use any of the stuff that is time released..i just use the feed every other water..and when I flower i use the bloom formula..then the last 2 weeks or so i use straight water


Well-Known Member
well if thats the case you probably should go get you a bag of perlite and do a mix of like 30% perlite and 70% soil...cause the organic soil can get so compacted after a few waters that the water just runs right out...i would just take the plant out with a small shovel...or something...leaving the dirt around all the roots...mix the perlite and soil...put that back in the bucket and transplant the plant back into the bucket...should work..


Well-Known Member
i usually water the day after i check the soil with my finger because i found out that even though its dry 3 inches down the soil is still moist around the roots. could it not be draining well enough? its in a 5gal bucket but i drilled about 50 holes in the bottom of it. the soil was only $2 for 40lbs though. it was the cheapest non nuted organic soil i could find at walmart so thats what i used. i was thinkin of replanting and letting go with the nutes for awhile but then im gonna have to go out and get another bag of soil and getting around isnt easy for me being that i live about 30 min away from walmart and i cant drive anywhere. i'll get it done as soon as possible if thats all i need to do to save it. thanx for the book did you find that?

what is the name of it, all i know is that it is very clumpy when it gets wet and stays hard as a rock after it dries, is it called hyponix soil?


Well-Known Member
yeah when I transplanted these last couple times I mixed a butt load of perlite in my soil...that helps a lot with draining...what bad experiences did you have with miracle grow?..i dont use any of the stuff that is time released..i just use the feed every other water..and when I flower i use the bloom formula..then the last 2 weeks or so i use straight water
miracle grow has caused me bad nute burn when i have used it along with my fox farm products.