My plant is drying out.


Active Member
I just moved one of my outdoor plants into a pot and out of the ground do to various reasons. Even tho the plant just moved like 50 feet away, 3 hours later some of the leaves started to curl at the tips and looked like it was drying up. If anyone can spar some advice, what should i do to save it.


Well-Known Member
How much of the rootball did you get? More than likely you just didn't get enough of the root sytem. Either way, you have done one of the most traumatic things that you can do to a plant. Hopefully it will survive, but who knows...

Celtic Vixen

Active Member
Sounds like shock. You'll know in a day or so. If it survives and we hope it does, you may have backslid a couple weeks in development. Good luck. Hopefully someone like FDD can provide advice...he's probably the most knowledgeable grower on this site


Well-Known Member
yeah, this IS one of the most traumatic things you can do. if it's not too small, soak soil with plain water, then water well with 1/2 strength high nit. fert. you did'nt just rip it out of the ground did ya?


Well-Known Member
anytime you transplant, especially outdoor, your plant will droop and look like it's dying for one or two days. we thought we lost an outdoor we had to move last year but it sprang back up like an umbrella.


Well-Known Member
im kinda alittle bit late to be posting on this thread, but when your plants leaves start to curl and look like they are drying up alittle bit, just water them. :weed: