My plans for a perpetual harvest Advice Encouraged :)


Hello RIU,
I recently started legally growing back in June with a 3x3 tent and a 600w. I realized that if i wanted to not pay anymore money for flowers i need to somehow separate my veg space from the flower space. After many dabs, bowls, and joints, my roommate and i came up with the plan to make the 3x3 tent, the veg tent and put a 400w mh light in there. Then get a 4x4 tent and put the 600w hps in there for flowering. My plan is simple: once clones are about a foot-n-half to two-feet, every two weeks ill pick the best four and move them to flower. I should be taking roughly 4 clones every two weeks because it takes about two weeks for my clones to be ready to plant.
This is all in my head so far, and I'm a very beginner grower looking for some seasoned growers to give me some advice on how to make this work most efficiently and effectively. One problem i anticipate is the space problem, moving 4 plants every two weeks means that by the 8th week of flowering there will be 16 plants in one 4x4 tent, whats the minimum size pot i can use to make them all fit do they make pots that are more vertical than wide? Now my main concern is with the 400w light in the 3x3, we have been contemplating for a long time what would the best light for the space and we think it is 400w mh for veg. Can you run a 400w in a 3x3 space with an open reflector or do i need an air cooled hood? Because if an open reflector works with maybe two oscillating fans, maybe on a dimmable ballast, would be easier.

Much Appreciated


By adding more plants at different scales you will get issues. Your canopy height will be all over the place. And 16 is to many for a 4x4 you risk mold and light will not penetrate . Just because you have more plants does not mean your going to have more bud.


By adding more plants at different scales you will get issues. Your canopy height will be all over the place. And 16 is to many for a 4x4 you risk mold and light will not penetrate . Just because you have more plants does not mean your going to have more bud.
I dont think different canopy height will really be a problem since i can just put the shorter plants on a stool so they are all relatively close.

its hard to imagine a 4x4 and what will fit in it, so would 9 plants be the most efficient fit then? I could stagger it, so as to put three plants in every month, if that works.