My PC Grow


Well-Known Member
I am going to start a PC Stealth Grow. I still have to get the PC put together and everything and i will be posting pics and all of my process.
so i am hoping to get ideas and comments on what you all think i need to do to make it better.

in a few minutes ill post up some pics of my case, it needs a lot of work so much stuff in it still


Well-Known Member
Ok here is my box, it needs some work,
im not really sure what to do with this part.

i need to get it to look a little more realistic and not see thru, also how can i leave the cd drives there? if im growing inside? is that possible? orr?

This is the back

im going to close out all of those holes with the metal pieces and put the end of the motherboard in the slot.

This is the left side

i need to figure out how to get more room in there and get the power supply out, having some trouble.

And heres the right side,

i need ot take that metal sheet down and start working on this to get it to look better.
My goal is to get it close as possible to the Nano Machine that Mr. Micro built


Well-Known Member
i dont seem to think this case can be fully stripped to properly make it a grow box.
it doesnt seem to come apart the right way


Well-Known Member
it seems like this box has to many extra pieces of metal inside that are stopping me from properly stripping it the right way to keep it a stealth grow, what do you all think by looking at th pics


hahaha i love lil pc grows i have seen soo many on overgrow and icmag they are just soo cute and stealthy.


Well-Known Member
since u seen so many, wht do u think of my case, it doesnt seem like it will come apart right to keep the grow correct, any ideas?\


Active Member
strip as much out as you can, the more rome the better,
get a hack saw on them bits of metal and get rid of them,
take out the cd drive pull the plastic front off and glue it to your pc, makes it look like its there,
get rid of all them wires just leave the wires for the fans.
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
alrite ill keep that in mind, so for now i need to either find a hacksaw or another way to get these pieces of metal out of this box. idk why it was built so complicated


Active Member
take it all out power supply the lot,
each fan will have 2 wires connected to it just connect a 12v supply to these wires and your fans will work.


Well-Known Member
Not to be a dick, but that looks way to small for a grow box. The plant is going to be squished, and the lights will probably burn the plant.


Well-Known Member
well people do pc grows all the time so i dnt think so, and this case is actually larger then most other pc cases


Well-Known Member
subscribed. keep updated. i would use tin snips to cut away that sheet metal- a hacksaw is to big and awkward


Well-Known Member
yea thats what i started ot think after i cut my self with it trying to cut it in this little space, u think tin snips will be strong enough? its pretty thick at some parts


Well-Known Member
well im a roofer and use tinsnips all the time to cut step flashing and wall metal and just flashings in general. You can get some pretty heavy duty snips, just take a piece of the metal to the hardware store and try to cut a piece. voila


Well-Known Member
yea i checked out the snips i have around my house none were strong enough.
its a fun little project, i had a lot of plans for it ,... if i could only get this dang mtal outta here


Well-Known Member
i dont know man im lookin at the pics again and its a cluster fuck of metal goin everywhere.


Well-Known Member
yea idk why the hell compaq wud create a case like this. its pretty crazy.
hell of a lot of work to gt this thing torn apart