my outdoor plants, need info.


Well-Known Member
i live in yorkshire england, and ive had some plants in the garden for about 10 weeks, they are 2 to 3 foot in size and topped a lot so they arnt too tall, but stocky.

when should they start to flower?.
they look like they are still vegging.
ill post some pics later.


Well-Known Member
Well they will begin to flower once the days get shorter. The plant needs that 12hours of light/12 hours of dark to flower. It is triggered by nature. Unless you get a cover and open it up in the morning and close it 12 hours later you wont be able to force flower.


Well-Known Member
if i do that ill send them hermie.
i have grown lots before, we are moving house thats why im not indoor growing.
so thats why im just doing a few in the garden.
i was just wondering when they should start to flower"in genera.
i have never done a start to finish grow outdoor before.l


Well-Known Member
They will probably start flowering in another month or depends on the latitude. You can do a search for length of daylight for your location. I've found a cool chart that way. I can't remember the link though, but you should be able to find it.


Well-Known Member
pl 011.jpgthese bigger plants in the 1st few pics. have been multi topped, and have over 20+ main colas, ive stopped topping now, cos i think they maybe comming into flower.
any views?.

pl 012.jpg

pl 013.jpg

pl 014.jpg

pl 016.jpg

pl 017.jpg

pl 018.jpg

pl 019.jpg

pl 020.jpg

pl 021.jpgthese plants are my clones i had 30 but sold the rest and kept the 4 worsted ones, and they are taking off just great.

pl 022.jpg

pl 023.jpg
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Well-Known Member
more pics these are of my 3 weeks old seedlings
1 indigo
1 ice
1 d.poison
and 1 ak48 these plants are not 024.jpg

pl 025.jpg pl 026.jpg

pl 027.jpg

pl 028.jpg

pl 029.jpg

pl 030.jpg
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Well-Known Member
if the points on the fan leaves are going from 7 to 5 and 5 to 3 points?
does that mean they are starting to flower?.


Well-Known Member
It means they're reaching sexual maturity...just means that yes they are "ready" but they won't until the photoperiod is right.


Well-Known Member
more pics.
and the last pics are of my seedlings and clones.
what i suppose are also flowering, like the bigger plants.

would that be so, as they are all growing outside?.

sunday 005.jpg

sunday 006.jpg

sunday 007.jpg

sunday 008.jpg

sunday 009.jpg

sunday 010.jpg

sunday 011.jpg

sunday 013.jpg


Well-Known Member
They don't look like they're flowering to me...the one close up was blurry so I couldn't tell for sure. If you're in the UK I think you lat. is like northern US's..and I don't think they're flowering right now. I thought some of mine were early flowering too, but I was wrong....still more time.