My one plant in flower

James Bond

Well-Known Member
Ok, here is my one plant in flower. It has been flowering for about 3 weeks now. I hope I didn't do what I'm afraid I did the other night, which is leave the closet light on over night. I can't remember I was drinking and when i went to put something back in the closet that I had got out earlier I notice the light was on, so I don't know if I turned the light on out of habit or if I left it on. Any ways here are some pics, and the bud sights have gotten bigger since these pics.


James Bond

Well-Known Member
Lets hope you dont make that mistake too often heh?

Looking nice though :hump:
I know, it was bad enough when a severe weather condition knocked the power out for a week. I had to leave my house for a few days, but I put the plant in the garage where it could get some light during the day time hours. I think I saved it from becoming a hermie, but i won't be surprised if it ends up having some pollen sacks when it's done.

James Bond

Well-Known Member
Just curious from the pictures can anyone guess about how much longer I have in flower? I'm thinking I have another 4-5 weeks.


Well-Known Member
looks like its shaping up to be some good bud, wouldnt worry bout leaving the light once, wont hurt. take a look at my albums, used enviros, got some bubblebombs on 12-12 from seed now about 4.5 weeks in flower.

James Bond

Well-Known Member
looks like its shaping up to be some good bud, wouldnt worry bout leaving the light once, wont hurt. take a look at my albums, used enviros, got some bubblebombs on 12-12 from seed now about 4.5 weeks in flower.
Nice, I got a whole bag of seeds free and they all ended up being an Indica strain at least that is what it would seem to be as short and bushy as it is. I would like to get some more sativa influenced strains in the future.