My no cost set up


Active Member
ok i just decided one day i wanted to try to grow some weed

so heres what i got nothing basicly

i got a regular light lol

regular soil you would get from the gardening section idk what kind someone gave it to me

and thats it what els do i need to get i only got $20

and dont say new lighting cuz i am soon ganna have a proper light


Well-Known Member
Growing on a budget, join the club!
If you want to do it cheap with OK dirt use Nutragrow, blue suff, you mix it in your water. I'd put money in a small fan and build the cool carbon filter fo $7.00 just search this site for tons of cheap stuff to do. Couple CFL till you got your light or as I do it I use a carp load of cheap CFLS on power strips. That idea I got from someone on this site that built a very cool grow room from parts. Wish I could give credit for this to dude but I can't find it now!

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Alright man, you need to read the grow faq to gain a basic knowledge of growing. You will find $20 isn't nearly enough to grow. A cfl is a compact flourescent bulb.


Well-Known Member
good luck man. you're going to need it.- a cfl is Compact Flourescent Lightbulb. they're the lightbulbs you see all over the place that are shaped like a spiral. they say things like 26w = 100w equivelant. check out the CFL forum under indoor growing. you have alot of reading to do if you have any chance of seeing this through to harvest.


Well-Known Member
I would try spending that first $20 on a book that tells you how to grow indoors. Then after you are done reading, you will probably have more money to take a step back and hit it more seriously.

I would try Marijuana Grower's Handbook: Indoor High Yield Guide, by Ed Rosenthal. It retails for just under $20 :leaf:

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
you should really buy a book online.

if you really want a realistic amount to smoke.

or take chances and get a little bit